Zayn Sick but others think he is faking - Request

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a/n  another request that I got, thank you so much for requesting this. I hope this is okay, changed it around a bit..

And thanks for the many votes lately, it means so much to me <3

Working on a really big and long request so I hope you all enjoy this in the mean time. :)


The days felt long, maybe a little too long lately. Zayn was felt tired for days now. And he felt the sickness basically slowly creeping up on him.
He was no fool, he knew he should rest.

"Zayn..? You awake?" Liam said, creeping into his hotel room, all dressed and basically ready to go. Zayn groaned "go away li.." he murmured. "Yeah no chance mate, we have to go in about 30 minutes, so you better get up now and get ready. I have no interest in being late again because you go to bed to late." Liam said.

Part of that wasn't true. Zayn went to bed at nine, although the others didn't know that. He still felt tired, like he hadn't slept at all. As if he pulled an all nighter with Louis again.

"Get up Zayn.." Liam said sternly, getting a little impatient. "Think i am sick Li.." Zayn said slowly. Liam just shook his head "seriously, you are going to pull that trick right now. Un-believe-able..."
"It's not a trick Li, I am really getting sick." Zayn said irritated that he didn't believe him.

"Get up, last warning. Otherwise a security guard will be send up and we both know that he will just drag you out bed, dressed or not." Liam said before walking away again.


Zayn arrived exactly one minute before they were going. Two interviews were planned. It didn't help that he almost got sick after his quick shower. The nauseous feeling didn't go. It settled into his stomach, he really did not look forward to a 20 minute car right.
"What took you so long mate.?" Louis asked him. "Feel sick.." Zayn replied. Liam shook his head "he is not, he is just trying to fake to get out of today. Guess what we are all tired but still showing up.."

All eyes went between Liam and Zayn. "I am not faking Li, I almost got sick after my shower.."
"You say it right yeah, al-most.." Liam said.
"I guess we'll just go to the interviews yeah.." Harry spoke up, not really dealing well with the tension that hung in the air between them all right now, playing with his rings subconsciously.
"Yeah we are.." Liam said, taking a seat in the car. Niall's and Harry's eyes were sympathetic. "Sorry Zayn. Guess Liam didn't sleep that well." Niall said, before filling Harry into the car.

Louis was left standing with Zayn, smoking up the last bit of his cigarette. "I am sorry.. you have to know that I believe you yeah... just try and get through the next few hours.." he said. Stomping out his cigarette on the ground, walking to the car.


"Zayn mate he asked you something.." Niall spoke up from where he was sitting behind him on a higher stool, Harry beside him. Louis, Liam and Zayn were sat in front of them on a small couch. By the looks of him, he was trying to disappear into the cushions.

"Sorry what did you ask." He politely asked the interviewer. "I asked what is one of your favorite memories from making the new album?"
"Definitely the late night sessions we all had together I think. They were so much fun.." he replied.

"You are looking pale mate, you okay?" Louis whispered to him when the cameras were finally cut off. Waiting for the next person to come in for the second and last interview. Zayn shook his head "feel sicker with the second Lou." He murmured back.

His stomach was cramping, the nauseous feeling still hadn't left yet. A small headache was forming as well, and until of that there was also still the incredible tiredness that he felt.

"We're almost done yeah, then you can rest up..." Louis said to him. "Are you seriously still believing his act.." Liam said angrily, turning to Louis. "Look at him li, tell me his not looking pale. Tell me he is not looking like he is just trying to disappear right here right now, wishing that he was in a bed instead of a stupid useless interview." Louis said, a little more aggressive then he meant to. But at least the point was clear now. Liam stayed silent at that, seeing the new interviewer walking in.


Zayn felt worse and worse halfway trough the interview. His guts were turning. And he knew that he would soon have to stand up and go find the nearest trash can. Unfortunately for him, that wasn't an option because the cameras were still rolling.

He suddenly bowed over on his knees, a wet cough escaped his lips followed with a gag, clasping his hand over his mouth, eyes panicked.
"Shit he is going to be sick, get a trashcan or something and stop the cameras.." Louis rushed out. A hand resting on Zayn his back.

A trash can was placed underneath him. Just in time for him to as he started retching. Ugly gags escaping his body, throwing up everything he had in his system.

"You're doing well mate." Louis muttered. "He really was sick..." Liam said silently. "Yeah he was and you all were to ignorant to even realize.." Louis said angrily. "It's okay Lou." Zayn rasped out, when he was finally able to take a breath. "It's not z.. they were terrible. And a certain someone in particular.." Louis said, looking directly in Liam his eyes at the last part. "Want do you want to hear from me Lou? That I screwed up? Because that is not nothing new now is it. I am trying to make up okay... I laid awake almost the whole night, couldn't sleep and I guess I was reacting that off on everyone around me. You are right, I had no right to do that. I am sorry okay..." Liam said, holding his hands up in the air in an apologetic manner.

Louis was still looking angrily at him.
"It's okay li, no worry's. We all have days like these. Just wanna get to a bed right now, feel like hell.." Zayn spoke up. Still breathing heavily.

And that's what they did. Management was going to reschedule the interview for later this week. They all went to the hotel, having a sleep over in Zayn his room. Helping him the following two days coming out of this sickness bug that he caught. He still wasn't a 100% better when they did the interview again, but at least he was in the aftermath of it now.


Hope this was okay-ish? Didn't know how to end this

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