Harry choking

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2 new chapters up for 'to capture his heart L.S'
Hope you enjoy that story as much as this, been pre writing a lot of chapters for it, so stay tuned.
Pre writing as well for my other story 'broken soul'

Thank you for reading this and have a nice day <3

P.s if anyone has any requests or ideas, comment them down :)


3rd person POV

The one direction lads were currently touring with the boys of 5 second of summer. The 1D boys were having a night off and decided to just spend it together. Because honestly when are they not together.

"I am so hungry" Niall said out loud.
"When are you not" Louis said rolling his eyes. "I am offended tommo" Niall said back, fake gasping. "Oh shut up nialler" Louis said, slapping him.

"Boys please, we're in a restaurant" Liam sighed.
"Don't Bother trying li, they won't listen anyways" Harry stated, chuckling. Zayn nodded along, smiling at Louis and Niall.

The waiter took there orders so now it was just a game of waiting, in which Niall was very bad.
"Do we have a busy day tomorrow?" Louis asked.
"Yeah quiet a bit sorry, Paul will update me soon though on all the things that need to be done. But I know myself that we have a lot of things to do for the making of the album." Liam said back.
"Alright, Well Its going to be an early night then huh" Louis said back.
"I figured that much"

"When does Paul get here?" Zayn said, looking around for him.
"He should be here in a few minutes, he was running a little late"

The waitress came over with plates of food that every single one of them ordered.
"Oh I can't wait to dig into this mate, look at it" Niall said exited. The other lads chuckled at him. All being used to the attitude of Niall around food.
Paul came walking in at that exact moment, sitting down, ordering a drink and some food that will come a little later.

Harry had ordered a beef burger with crips and a salad, just like Liam had.
"Looks delicious" Liam hummed.

It all went quiet peacefully till harry swallowed a piece of meat but it caught in his throat half way. Harry began to panic and trying to cough, raising his hand to his throat. He began really to freak out about this, the only thing he could think about was that he couldn't breath.

Everyone turned and looked at Harry, "shit Paul I think he is choking" Louis said loudly.
"Already on it, Liam help me stand him up" Paul said. Zayn and Niall watched with wide eyes, both didn't know what to do.
"Come on Harry" Paul said as he held one hand on his chest for support, leaning him slightly forward. And with the other hand giving him a few sharp blows between the shoulder blades with heel of his hand to try and make his airway free.
"Come on haz" Liam muttered. "Keep trying to cough" Louis said, encouraging him.

"Fuck hold on" Paul said while he gave up on his first tactic, en went on to the other that he knew. Both his arms went around the waist above his belly button. Harry was getting worse fast, his eyes were slowly drooping closed.
"Keep him awake" Paul instructed to Louis and Liam.
Paul gave Harry in a total of three abdominal thrusts before the came up and Harry could cough it out.
"That's it, Thank god" Paul said.

Harry took a first deep breath in what felt like forever, still coughing now and then.
Paul still supported Harry upwards, Harry used quiet a bit of energy.

"Your alright haz, your good"
"Here let's sit you down again mate"
Harry was sat down in the chair, his hands were on his knees, leaning forward, still catching his breath back.

Paul kneeled in front of Harry, "you okay?"
Harry nodded swallowing down. "Yeah"
His voice cracked halfway trough the small word, but nobody cares about that at the moment. Nobody was making fun of that, they were all scared shitless just moments again.

Zayn and Niall seemed to snap out of their haze now too, walking up beside Liam and Louis. Louis rubbed his hand over Harry's back.
"Everyone else okay to?" Paul asked, looking around to all of them, meeting all of their eyes individually.
"Yeah we're okay, just scared shitless"
"Yeah agreed, my heart still beats a million miles a minute"

"Sorry" Harry croaked, looking up for the first time.
"For what?"
"For scaring you guys, didn't mean to"
"You can't do anything about that, as if you wanted to choke" Louis said.
"Yeah don't worry haz, we're just all really glad that your okay now." Niall said.
Harry smiled gratefully at his friends.

"Is everything alright?" A waitress said who just watched the whole thing. That took the lads back to earth that they were in fact still in the restaurant.
"Yeah we're okay now, thanks" Liam said, and with that the waitress left to some other people who just came walking in to take their order.

The left over food on their plate was forgotten and they went straight back to their booked hotel rooms for the night after paying. Nobody had a real appetite left after what happend not to long ago that day.

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