Harry Heatstroke

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a/n double Update, everybody say thank you lmao

I'm trying to put more parts up more frequently like I did before but work is just a pain in the ass :(

Also happy one month of this book yayy


Harry POV

"I'm bored" Louis said for the probably a hundredth time the last hour.
We had a day off today for the first time in a few weeks. Everyone was already bord of the movie marathon that was softly playing in the background. Louis and Niall especially had some energy that they hadn't used yet.
"Same here" Niall said back.
"Can't we just do something or go somewhere?" Lou asked next, turning to both me and Liam.
"Not sure if that's a good idea mate" Liam said back.
"Why not, we can just go to the beach even or a walk trough the park nearby, just anything but not sitting here watching the time go by." Louis whined.
"A beach day sounds good" Niall chirped in.
"I don't know" Liam sighed.
"Ah pretty please" Louis said, bright blue eyes pleading for some fun.
"Fine" Liam huffed, giving into the plea.
"Yes you won't regret it payno" he exclaimed exited.

Arriving at the beach, it was still Morning so the sun wasn't on his top yet, we laid our beach towels nearby, Louis and Niall immediately ran into the sea. Splashing each other completely wet.

I deceived to just sit here for a bit, applying some sun cream.
"I'll better go to them and watch these idiots so they don't do any stupid stuff" Liam said before also walking into the sea.

They all came back after some time, drinking some water they we took with us in the bag. In the bag was also some food.
"Hey H you okay?" Lou said, looking at me weirdly.
"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I asked confused.
"You just look peachy s'all"
"Well I feel fine" I replied.

I wasn't really fine, I could feel a headache coming up, but I didn't want to ruin the fun. So I just kept it to myself, convincing myself that it would just go away on his own.


A few hours passed and really started to feel way hotter and then normal.
"Look I got this beach ball from someone over there to borrow till we go" Niall said enthusiastically walking up to where we were all laying.
"Two against two?" Louis said.
"Sure" Liam said shaking his head smiling. Steady making his move to stand up.
"You coming H?"
I nodded my head and stood up. Pretty sure that I swayed a little from the sudden dizzy spell. Luckily nobody noticed.

It was Louis and Niall against me and Liam.

"H for you" Liam yelled at me, throwing the ball right at me.
My mind seemed to react way slower, confused looking at the ball who just went passed me in the sand. Seeing Niall running to it and already grabbing it before I could even move.
"Good Niall, here I'm free" Louis shouted back at the same time that Liam said disappointed "come on".

"I'm just gonna sit down for a sec, you all go ahead." I said slowly, very slowly. Walking carefully back to the towel, laying down on it immediately.

"Lads" I tried to say after some time. But they didn't even hear my quiet Whisper as they were so in the game.

Liam POV

I saw how Harry almost looked sick, his skin was pale and sweaty. His mind wasn't really on the game anymore. It really concerned me that he just tapped out in the middle, he never did before.

I looked over at him, seeing him laying down on the towel, unmoving.
I quickly ran up to him that's when I saw his eyes half closed.
"H.. hey. Harry.. what's wrong?" I asked urgently.
The other two followed me quickly and gasped at the sight of Harry.
"Niall quick find a phone and call a ambulance, his breathing is way to fast" I said while taking his pulse with one hand.
Niall practically ran immediately to somewhere nearby with a phone, sweat talking them on using it for a second.
"Lou we have to try and get his temperature down." I claimed.
"How" Louis said, desperately trying to find something.
"Uh the water bottle give it to me" I said, Louis handed me the bottle and I quickly began to drop some water on his fore head and the back of his neck.
So far it didn't really work, he was hot, way to hot.

Niall came walking back "they reckon 10 minutes".
"Good that's good thanks Ni" I said to him, trying to calm his normally bubbly mind down.

Luckily the ambulance was somewhat earlier then they said originally.
"Hello gentleman, who is this" one of the two said, while crouching down beside Harry on one side.
"Ha- rry " I stuttered.
"Okay what happend?"
"I don't- I don't know we were just playing some game and then he just tapped out and I went to check and now we are here" I rambled a little.
Seeing as they took his blood pressure and stuff.
"Okay your friend here is going to be okay, he is most likely suffering from a heatstroke, so we gotta bring him with us to the hospital" One of the two man said, while already making Harry ready to be transported.

Heatstroke. I tried to think, I heard about it once, it could be very dangerous if it's going on too long without treatment. It could damage his organs and stuff. This was serious, very serious.

I felt an hand on my shoulder, squeezing it gently, blinking my eyes back to reality. Seeing Louis crouched down in front of me. Niall standing behind him.
"We gotta get to the car en to the hospital, Harry is already on his way okay. Its going to be okay" Louis tried to explain carefully to me.


Walking into the room where Harry was, he really looked way smaller. A bunch of wires were attached to him, and a IV.
A nurse came waking in.
"He's okay right?" I asked, just needing one more confirmation.
"Yes he will be, we gotten his temperature down enough for no risk. We will like to keep him for one more day for observation. His puls is also back to normal, and now sleeping at the moment. I reckon to let him rest and not wake him up to much." She said before walking out of the room, to probably check on her other patients.

"Don't do this ever again H" I exclaimed, finally taking a breath of relief.

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