Harry Strep throat

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a/n Changed the cover yay

New chapters up for 'broken soul'

I also have very exiting news, I'm working on a idea for a Nouis fiction that is coming late July.
Hope you will all Check that out too eventually!!
That's all lots of love xx


Harry POV

Pain, that's the first thing I felt when I woke up.
Flaming pain in my throat. I have to admit that I felt kind of off the last few days.

We just had 3 back to back concerts, and I was really beginning to strain my voice to get the notes out at the end. They probably sounded very flat and off rhythm.

The lads kept glancing at me that concert the whole night. They even took over a few notes because I simply couldn't do them anymore. In which I of course was very grateful, when they asked last night what was wrong, I simply shrugged them off. Thinking that it wasn't so bad, and it would just magically disappear the next day. Which of course it didn't.

So yeah, now I felt worse than ever. Quickly glancing at the clock, seeing that I needed to get up anyways in 5 minutes.

I decided to go with black skinny jeans and a simple
White shirt.
Quickly meeting up the other lads in Liam his hotel room.
We were currently touring in Australia, we had another concert tonight in Sydney.

"Hey haz" Liam greeted me smiling, Louis and Niall were already up and talking about the new FIFA game that would be released in a few months.
"Hey li" I croaked, throat more scratchy than ever.
Liam immediately looked very concerned as well as the other two lads. Their glances all were the same, eyebrows crinkled. Wow i must sound pretty bad then.
"You good haz, you sound awful" Louis chirped in.
"I'm okay" I tried to say, but my voice cracked in the middle of the sentence, letting them know in fact that no, I wasn't really okay.
"Yeah I don't believe that mate, here sit down for a moment" Liam said, guiding me to a chair in besides the couch where Louis and Niall were sitting.
"Now really tell me what is bothering you" Liam said after.
I sighed, only saying one word "throat"
"Wait, you have your phone on you yeah?" Niall said
I nodded back.
"Type in your answers" he quickly added
"Good one Ni" Louis said, Liam nodding along approving.
"Well it must be the Irish in me"
"Oh shut up" Louis exclaimed, hitting Niall softly.
I grinned at both of them, turning my gaze back at Liam when he asked a question.
"How does your throat feel"
/like shit, it hurts every time I swallow/ I type, turning the screen around so the others can read what I have just typed.
"Maybe we need to see a doctor mate"
I glanced back up at him because no I didn't want to go to the doctor.

I hated going there ever since I was a kid, and swore to never step a foot in some place like that again. So I shook my head very fast, terrified.
The other lads must have read my expression and sighed softly, glancing at each other. Having a silent conversation without any words.
Before finally Liam spoke up "I will make a phone call with a doctor here in town for a appointment, I'm sorry haz but it needs to be checked out. What if it is really a infection, you would have to need antibiotics"
My eyes went wide, looking pleadingly at Niall and Louis for help. Niall held his gaze at the ground, Louis also didn't look At me and just stared straight ahead at the wall.
Liam stood up with his phone quickly typing in a phone number before excusing himself out of the room to make the call.
Great now I really have to go.

/please don't make me go/ I typed and let Louis and Niall read it.
"Sorry mate, I'm afraid there is not much of a choice" Louis said, with sympathy.
"It will be okay though haz" Niall said, trying to cheer me up.
I was tangling my fingers in my lap, till Liam came back, just putting his phone back in his pocket.
"We can come now if we want, he has no further appointments yet he said"
I shook my head frankly, going was one thing but going now was a whole other story.

"Come on, you will be okay, we will be with you the whole time" Liam said, taking my arm and standing me up.
We walked silently to the car and drove off.

We arrived rather quickly and I glanced up at the big white building. The others were already stepping out off the car, slamming their doors behind them.
They openend my door as well, I looked at them with scared eyes.
"You can do this haz"
That did nothing to calm my nerves Louis.

Sitting in the waiting room felt so long when in reality it only was a couple of minutes. My name was called and I followed behind the lads silently, there was not really a way out anymore.

"So mr. Styles, I'm dr. Robinson, and I will be taking a look at you to see what the issue here is. If you will hop on that bed right there." The doctor said.
I walked slowly and sat on the bed, looking around terrified. 
"Sorry he has a fear of the doctors, so is it okay if we will be with him the whole time?" Liam said.
"Of course no problem at all, whatever helps your friend alright"
"Thank you"

"Okay I heard over the phone that your throat bothers you yes?"
I nodded back.
"Alright, what I'm gonna do is take a look with this flashlight in your mouth, so the only thing that you have to do is to open your mouth, nothing scary at all okay" he said, explaining everything like I was a little kid, in which in this situation I was.

Louis grabbed my hand, giving it a Quik squeeze for reassurance. I also felt Niall sitting beside me and Liam his hand on my back. I took a deep breath and openend my eyes while I squeezed my eyes shut.
"Your doing good haz"
"Almost done"
I heard them say.

"You can close now thank you" dr. Robinson said.
"And?" Liam asked.
"Well it seems like a infection to your throat, it was a little swollen and red as well. I will prescribe you antibiotics, and it should go away in between 3 to 7 days, if not let it be checked out again because there could be something more going on here. I know that you guys are on the road a lot, so I will give this paper with you in case you go somewhere else to let it checked out again if it's not gone yet in 7 days." He said before continuing, pointing at me "and you, It will be best for your voice to put you on vocal rest"

We all nodded back, taking in the new information. He handed us the antibiotics in a bag as well as the paper.
Quickly hopping off the table.
"Thank you"
"Just doing my job, have a nice day"
"You too"

I let out a breath in the car that I didn't even know I was holding.
"It was a good thing that we got it checked out haz" Liam said.
"Yeah and you were really brave"
I smiled, silently thanking them.

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