Lilo parents Niall knee surgery - Request

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a/n another request for you'll today.

Wrote this in the middle of the night, so it might be bad, I tried.
I really didn't know how to end this one but I think it's an okay ending now??

Louis papa 34 years old
Liam dad 30 years old
Harry 16 years old
Niall 10 years old


Louis POV

I was always the first one up, even when we hadn't adopted the kids yet. My mother always hated that part of me, i was always full of energy already immediately at the start of the day.

So that's why I was already downstairs cleaning some stuff in the kitchen before making breakfast ready for everyone.

Ni was due tomorrow for his long waited knee surgery, so we wanted one last good day before the big day.

He always had knee trouble, especially to his left knee, doctors first wanted to wait a little with the surgery itself. But decided to just do it because the kid was in pain almost everyday.

We will just fill this day with lots of cuddles and movies, he already had trouble sleeping for the past few days.

Harry had slept with him this night just like old times when they both first got here.
They would have regular sleep overs in each other rooms, Harry being the good kid he was, surely agreed when a tiny voice asked last night to sleep with him.

I was startled when a hand grabbed my shoulder, waking me from my trance that I seems to slip in. Turning around seeing, Liam standing with his smile and puppy brown eyes.
"Hey" I hummed.
"Good morning" he said back, taking me in for a quick hug and kiss.
"So what's the plan today?" He asked after we both pulled back from each other.
"Figured to have just a chill day, cuddles and movies. Don't think that he want much else to be honest." I said back.
"Agreed, well I'll go start wake them up" he hummed before going back up the stairs.

Not even 10 minutes later, a huddle came down the stairs, Harry was wearing some joggers with a football shirt and Niall was still in his pyjama's.
Harry smiled at me before taking place to eat something, Niall however didn't even eat half of the tosti that I made him.

"Ni bud you gotta eat" I said gently, crouching down beside him. Getting the attention off both li and Harry.
He shook us head and mumbled a quiet "can't"
"I'm afraid that you still have to try" I said sympathetically.
That didn't seem to go that great as I saw Niall underlip wobble, on the verge of crying.
Immediately went to go and hug him but it was already to late and he began to cry in my shoulder. Hands grabbing my shirt tightly.
Shushing him quietly, taking him to the couch, silently making eye contact with Liam and Harry on the way.
And they apparently got the memo and started to clean the table before joining us both on the couch.

Liam got a few days off from work and I called in school to say that Harry was sick. He of course wasn't but the school didn't have to know that. He needed to be here for his little brother.

"There, all good now yeah?" I whispered quietly to him, he nodded back, cheeks full of tear streaks.
"You want to watch your favorite movie?" I asked.
He hummed back, "can we watch finding dory again?" He said, big blue eyes meeting mine.
"Of course darling" I said back. Already seeing that Liam was searching for that particular Disney movie.

We all watched that movie probably a hundred times, same with the lion king.


Sitting all together in the waiting room off the big white hospital.
Niall was sitting up on my lap until a voice called us. A kind nurse came walking up to us and said that Niall has to get ready.

So we all followed her, and watched as he was handled the grown.

"Hello Niall" a male doctor said, walking in. Greeting us three after.
"I'm sure you all know what we're gonna do today, but I'm here to answer some last questions." He asked, looking around us three.
"I won't lose my knee right?" Niall asked in a small voice, eyes looking big. We all tried to held our laugh a little because of course that is what his little brain think is going to happen.
"No you will still have your knee after" the doctor told him very seriously.
"How long will he be in surgery?" Harry asked silently next.
"Normally around 1 to 3 hours, I reckon with this minor surgery around 1-1,5 hours" he said back.
We nodded back, looking at Niall who suddenly seemed very small In the large bed.
"No more questions?" He asked. We all shook our heads, he already explained everything a few days ago when we were here for the last check ups.

"Alright Niall, this kind nurse here is going to put some numbing cream on your hand, so when we take you for the surgery in 30 minutes, you have no pain at all from the needle. Sounds good?" He said while pointing to the nurse who was standing beside him.

The nurse quietly put the cream on his hand before walking away after the doctor.

Niall looked at us and his blue eyes started to well up with tears, we all stood up immediately and went to him.
If only I knew how he was feeling now, he must be so scared. No one of us had every had surgery before but we all kinds knew what was going to happen and in which steps. Niall was of course a little to young to understand it all yet.

Harry went over to hug him and try to calm him down.
He was full on sobbing now and trying to say words in between.
Looking at li, seeing him tearing up as well, quickly placing a hand in his shoulder, getting a smile what more looked like a grimace in return.

"Hey Ni, it's gonna be okay yeah, you will be asleep the whole time and after you wake up, you won't be any pain anymore." I tried to explain one more time

"Promise?" He asked in the most possible small voice ever.
"Promise?" I said, locking my pinky with his.

Just in time when the same male doctor and a doctor I haven't seen before took him for the surgery.

We all were left standing here in the middle of the room, looking defeated when they rolled his bed away.


"Any family for Niall Payne-Tomlinson?" A kind lady asked.
We all stood up and walked up to her,
"Everything went okay yeah?" Harry said in a hurry.
The lady nodded "everything went very well, he still under the influence of the anesthesia, so he might be asleep for like 30 minutes till he is going to show signs of waking up, if after a hour nothing happend, please press the button on the side of the bed, or if you have any more questions at all. " she said.

And just like she said, Niall woke around 30 minutes later, eyes blinking open groggy, looking around all of our faces. A lazy smile formed when he saw us.
"Hey bud" I said gently.
"I still have my knee" he rasped out, while looking down under the covers where his knee was all bandaged up and in a brace for now.
I snorted laughing, shaking my head a little. This kid was really something.

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