Harry faking sick

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a/n had a bit of a writing block half way trough, still hope that it's okay? :)
first time writing a 'fake' story.

Last pre-written story, so it might take a while before the next one is up ;) 


Harry POV

Being the youngest of the group had its favors sometimes.

We had a far to busy schedule lately, barely getting rest in between the shows, and interviews or signings or anything for that matter. We were all pretty tired and longed for a well deserved break.

I knew that the only way for getting a day off would be getting sick. So that's when my plan started, I would try and fake sick. I would have to make it believable though, and that would be the hard part about this job. Especially making Liam believe me, he always helped the most when one of us was sick, but he also knew if someone was really sick or just faking.

Louis tried to fake sick a few times, but it never worked.

In a few minutes liam would wake us all up, so I buried myself under the covers for the past half a hour. to make myself warm, as if I had a fever in its beginning stadium.

And just like I thought, Liam opened the curtain of my bunk, his smile disappearing when he saw me.
"You okay haz?" He asked.
I whined in response, cracking my eyes slowly open.
"You look a bit flushed there" he said.
His hand made his way to my forehead to feel for the temperature. " yeah you definitely feel warm too" he said to himself.
"What's wrong, what hurts?"
"Stom'ch" I said, trying to make my voice sounding all raspy.
"Feel like you might be sick or just pain?"
I just Shrugged my shoulders, trying to confuse him even more.

It seemed to work because his facial expression was crinkled up, seeming to think about something.
"Lets just get out of bed first and maybe try a bit of food, maybe that will help?" He suggested.
I nodded my head slowly and threw my blankets off slowly.

Liam already went up front and I heard the rest getting up as well.

There was an awful silence at the breakfast table. I was biting here and there but not too much. Still trying to make them believe that I was oh so 'sick'. But I looked surprised when I looked in front of me, 
I saw Niall picking at his food.
"Ni try and eat a bit faster, we have places to attend" Liam said.
"Can't" he whimpered.
"Yeah you can"
"Feel sick"
"Seriously" Liam said angrily, throwing his knife down on the table.
"Just Because Harry is sick and gets attention, you want to" Liam snapped.
All our heads were looking quiet surprised to Liam, who normally was really calm and collected.
"Calm down li" Louis said.

I could just tell by only looking at Niall that he was ill. His cheeks were flushed, nose red. His hair was slightly sweaty, probably from an upcoming fever. He wasn't the Niall who made jokes every few minutes. He was hardly even smiling or making any facial expression.


We arrived at the first building for our interview. I was honestly debating if I still wanted to fake sick. I felt extremely bad for Niall. How can it be that on the day that I try to fake sick, that Niall gets really sick.

The interview went slowly, I kept rubbing my stomach to still make it believable for them. I saw Niall sitting slouched in the couch, obviously so over this interview and day.

We shook the interviewer his hands as he left the room, waiting for the next to take place.

Suddenly Niall darted our of the room with the excuse of going to the toilet. The others all let him go, not really thinking anything of from it.

Niall came back a few moments later, looking extremely tired and sluggish.
"Finally someone decides to come back" Liam muttered.
Niall just ignored him and took place again.

I knew that if had a change to make this still believable, I had to throw up or at least make them believe that I was going to.
So in the middle of the interview, I slapped my hand over my mouth, eyes wide. Trying to look panicked.

Louis immediately acted up on it and took me to the bathroom.
I was standing there over the toilet, breathing heavy. Making a few fake gags.
"You need to calm down haz" he soothed.
I swallowed bitterly and 'tried' my best.

After a few minutes nothing came up of course.
"I think that it was just a false alarm H" Louis said, still rubbing his hands up and down my back.
I nodded back and he guided me back in the room.

The scene in front of us was way worse.
We saw Niall doubled over throwing up in an bin that was handed him. Paul was beside him and so was Liam. He was shaking with force of his gags.
I immediately rushed to him.
"You okay?" Liam asked, looking me deep in the eye.
"Yeah" I breathed out.
"It was a false alarm" Louis said, walking up behind me.
"Okay good" Liam breathed.

Niall finally seemed to catch a break in between the Gags, breathing heavy and unsteady above the bin.
"You're okay now" Paul said.
Niall sheepishly nodded his hand before he stood up straight again.
His hair was sticking to his forehead from the sweat.

"Well I just came off from the call with management, Niall and Harry can have the rest of the day off and tomorrow too" Paul informed us.
I slowly shook my head, no this wasn't fair. I wasn't sick, Niall was. I didn't deserve the day off to get the attention of Niall.
"No" I said loudly.
"What do you mean no?" Paul said.
"I'm not sick."
"You just almost threw not long ago" Louis said.
"I was faking, I just wanted a day off, I didn't me to get it this far. And now Niall is really sick and I feel just so bad. Because I'm not and-"
"Slow down H, take a breath" Louis interrupted me from my ramble. And so I did.

"It's forgiven, but I'm afraid that you still have to do the stuff today and tomorrow, no off day" Paul said.
I nodded ashamed. "I know, I'm sorry"

Niall was escorted out of the room by one of our guards to the bus. Just as the next interviewer made his way into the room.
Guess I don't try and pull this card again.

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