Lilo parents Niall ear infection

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a/n do you all see the pictures I put on top or not?

Lost my ring today that I got from my grandmother 3 years ago :((
feeling very sad but still wanted to give you'll something :)

Louis - papa
Liam - daddy
Niall - 7 years old
Harry - 5 years old


Liam POV

Time to wake up both kids for school. Louis was already downstairs making some breakfast.
Both boys shared a room, we were actually looking for a new house, so they can both have their own bedroom. But most houses are very expensive these days, so we would have to live with what he have now.

Louis worked as a teacher on the same school that Niall and Harry goes too.
Myself working as a songwriter, so I have to get to the studio for a few hours a day.
It was a humble life but they made it work.

Shaking the eldest awake first;Niall.
Only getting an tired whine in response.
"Come on little snowflake time to get up" I whispered. His baby blue eyes openend and looked up at me, wincing.
"You okay baby?" I asked carefully.
Niall would normally be already awake and jumping up and down, running around the house. That boy has so much energy.
He shook his head, I frowned at him, "what's wrong" I asked, now crouching down beside the bed.
" 'ead 'urts" he mumbled, voice lingering with sleep, tears coming to his eyes, threatening to spill down his cheeks.
"Hey it's alright, let's get some food first, maybe it wil just go away?" I said, already knowing deep in my head that it wouldn't be the case most likely.
Making my way to the other side of the room, already seeing Harry tiredly blinking at me. He must have woken up when I was talking with Ni.
"Hey curly, you ready for school?"
He nodded back, smiling tiredly.

Walking down the stairs with Niall in my arms, carrying him. Harry was walking in front of me down the stairs.

Louis immediately smiled when they saw us coming down.
His smile turned into a frown when he saw Niall, his face was hidden in the crook of my neck, grabbing my shirt tightly.

Harry ran immediately towards Louis, before getting up, sitting in the chair. Already taking an bite from the bread. "Hey curly" Louis said, ruffling his hair, chuckling.
He then walked up to me, "hey little snowflake, what wrong with you hmm" he asked softly. He didn't seem to get any answer from the boy so his eyes met mine, waiting for a answer.
"He said that he has a headache, he's very clingy and almost started crying. I felt for a fever, but he hadn't had any yet" I explained.
Niall turned his face around, blinking slowly at me.
"You want to have something to eat bub?"
He nodded back.
"Alright come on"

After eating some food, it was time to get the boys ready for school.
"I'm afraid that you still have to go to school Ni" Louis tried to explain, but of course Niall started to fuzz about it.
"Hey hey baby it's alright sshh, it's okay." Louis said, taking him in for a hug, trying to stop the boy from crying anymore tears.


Niall was sitting in class beside his best friend Luke. The bell rang signaling for break. Everyone started to get up and running out of class to the outside area.
Niall stood up but was immediately greeted with an dizzy spell, Luke grabbed him by his side and Helped him standing up straight.
"You okay?" Luke asked in concern, looking towards the teacher who saw the whole thing. She was already making her way trough the classroom.
Niall didn't answer and wrapped his arms around himself.
"Niall honey, are you alright?" Ms Kennedy asked kindly, crouching down in front of the small boy.
He shook his head No, lower lip wobbling.
"Alright, Lets go to the nurse yeah, we'll call your parents. That sound good?"
Somewhere along the way, there was a small nod.

Louis came almost walking in immediately when he heard the news . Liam was called out of work and was now on his way to the school, to come pick him up and bring him home. Because Louis has still a few hours left to teach himself.
"Oh sweat heart" Louis said, Niall running to him, hugging him.
Louis lifted him up, sighing when he felt a slight fever coming up.
"He had a small dizzy spell in my class, and I could see that he wasn't really himself. He wasn't paying attention at all. So I thought it was best to just come here" Ms Kennedy informed him.
"Thank you Sarah"


Liam POV

Being called out of work was never really fun, especially when you get the call that your kid almost fainted.
Right now he was asleep on the couch, some soft cartoons playing in the background.

I figured that it was time to maybe get Niall something to eat, seeing that he hasn't had any since his small breakfast this morning.

When I walked to the couch, I saw that I didn't have to anymore. The sight in front of me absolutely broke me.
Niall was silently crying, trying to stop himself.
Crouching down in front the boy,
"Hey hey shh what's wrong darling?" I asked.
Feeling his forehead, taking it back when I felt the heat radiating of off him.
He sobbed loudly now.
"What hurts love?"
His hand went to his ear, pointing to it with his finger.
I sighed silently to myself, why didn't I think of that earlier.
The lack off Appetite, dizzy spell, the fussiness, the crying more than usual, and now the fever and the ear pain. It must be some kind of ear infection.
I immediately went to the phone and called the doctor for an appointment this afternoon after I got Niall back to an non rest sleep.
They had a place free in two hours, we would probably get most likely some antibiotics there, to help with the pain and the infection itself.

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