Harry Concussion

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a/n thanks for all the votes and reads lately, it really means a lot <3

You can always comment new ideas if you have any.
This story is a little shorter that I would have liked.


Harry POV

We were currently in the middle of our Europe world tour. It was going really well, the only thing that wasn't the bad was seeing our family's. We haven't seen them in months, and we really miss them a lot to be honest.
I know that Niall is a little home sick. His family lives of course in Ireland, and if we are in England most of the time when we have time off. So it's a little extra difficult for him to see his parents and brother.

We of course calling them almost every day when we get the chance or sending them text, which sometimes is a little difficult with the time differences in some country's.

We not only had shows at night, but during the day we were booked with interviews, photo shoots, meetings, and signings.

"You pumped for tonight H?" Niall said, walking up to me from the lounge area from the tour bus. I was standing outside the bus, taking a breather, I just had this feeling that something was going to go wrong tonight.
It was this feeling in the pit of my stomach. Something was going to happen, wether it was on stage or back stage, something is going to happen.
"Yeah I guess?" I chuckled nervously.
"You are nervous" Niall stated.
I laughed a little bit shaking my head, because of course he would now if I was nervous. All the lads have been around be long enough these days to see right trough me.
"What wrong?" He asked after some silence.
"I just, I feel like something bad is going to happen tonight." I said, shrugging my shoulders, as if it was no big deal. As if I wasn't thinking about it this whole time.
"You know that we all at some point had that feeling, and look at us, still all alive, nothing had ever happend." He said softly.
I nodded back at him
Because of course I know that. I have thought of that myself, all the lads had that feeling and nothing happend. But you never know, today can be the day that it was going to change. Today can be that bad day. Today can be the day that something terrible was going to happen.
"Yeah I know Ni" I sighed, looking him in the eyes.
"You're going to be alright here by yourself outside for a bit?" He asked.
"Yeah course" I answered.
"Good, I'll be inside with Li and Lou playing some Fifa, you can always come inside if you wanna join us, or just to watch of course" he said, with a final look, he turned around and walked back into the bus.
Back into a familiar warmth.

I maybe stood here for another 10 minutes before I finally wrapped my thought up and walking into the bus. Completely interrupting the game, Niall of course lost again from Louis. Liam was just watching the two with an amusement smile on his lips.


The concert had started and so far nothing had happend. Maybe it was indeed some false alarm. Something that I made up completely in my head.
The music was softly playing in the background, singing our hearts out to all the incredible fans in the crowd.

Louis and Liam were in the middle of a water fight. Water slipping underneath them, making the stage all wet and slippy.

I knew that I had to be careful because I'm of course naturally clumsy. If only I thought that a little sooner.

We had to walk up am little ramp and somewhere later in the song, to another.
Walking down carefully but not to careful.
I fell and slipped.
It all happens really fast, all I could feel was pain, shooting pains in my head. My vision was all black, I couldn't really make out any sounds anymore, everything was distant and cloudy. Trying to open my eyes, everything was really blurry, so I decided to shut them once again. I couldn't really move even if I wanted to, it hurt. My head hurt a lot.

I felt the music cutting off in my inner ear pieces. I felt hands on me and soft voices in the distance.

Liam POV

We all saw it happen in the blink of an eye. Harry slipped and collided on the stage.

We all ran to him immediately, the crowd was screaming.
We all shook him but we didn't really get a response. Niall was standing with Louis a few steps away. I could see in the look in their eyes that they were a little in shock.
Paul came running on the stage asking what happens while kneeling also beside him.
"He- he slipped and fell" I stuttered.
"Did he hit his head?" He asked urgently. Already on the phone with most likely an ambulance.
"Yeah I think, I don't, it happend fast Paul" I tried to explain.
"Okay ambulance is on his way Alright, we just gotta stay calm for him" Paul said after hanging up, Turing his attention back on Harry who was now groaning.

His eyes blinked open, looking fuzzy at us.
"Hey lad, your okay, you just took a little fall" Paul tried to explain.
"Omg the feeling" Niall suddenly said.
"What?" I turend around, looking at him in confusion.
"He he had this bad feeling and I just brushed it off, I did this omg. He tried to tell me, he did he tried an I just-"
"Niall calm down" Louis said suddenly, stopping Niall from rambling even more.
"It's not your fault" he tried to explain. I turned back around, my attention on Harry and Paul again. Knowing that Louis would help niall his panic state that he slipped in.

Paul was shining a little light in his eyes.
"What are you doing?" I asked afraid.
"Trying to monitor his pupil response which is good, he isn't having any bleed inside-"
"what-" I said cutting Paul off immediately.
"No liam, his response is good, no need to worry about it any more okay?"
"I yeah okay" taking a deep breath.
"Good lad" he said to me before turning to face Harry again,
"Harry can you hear me?" Paul asked.
Harry nodded back the best he could.
"-urts " he said, coming more out as a hoarse groan.
"Where Does it hurts the most H?" I asked, still trying to wrap my head around the entire situation.
"My -ead" Harry said slowly, still struggling to form words.
"Ambulance is on his way, everything is going to be okay" Paul reassured him.
He weekly nodded back, wincing once again.

Turned out that he had a concussion, they told us in the hospital. He needed a lot of rest for a couple of days to at least almost 2 weeks.
Of course management wasn't all that keen about the idea of a short break in the middle of tour. But they also couldn't miss Harry on stage out there.
Paul did some final words what did the trick luckily.

Harry was sleeping upon his bunk. After being kept in the hospital for two days for monitoring. Feeling very tired from the whole thing. Which was of course very understandable.

We were just all really happy that it was only a Concussion, and not something much worse.

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