Harry tore his ACL - Request

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a/n Did some research on this, but I'm still sorry if things are incorrect. Xx

Lots of skips between scenes, ending sucks I know :/

So how are we feeling about the album?? What's your favorite song?


Harry POV

We were on tour right now, it was probably the worst time to catch something like a bug or some form of injury. We had about 10 shows left of this leg of tour.

We had no time to rest really, it was always sleep, interviews, rehearsal/soundcheck, show, sleep. And again and again, every damn day.

To say that we were getting exhausted was an understanding. We tried to reason to do maybe some less interviews or something like that, but of course they wouldn't let us. They never listen to us, they 'always' know best in their opinion. But if you ask me, they only care about the money and not really our well-being.

I started to get some pains over the last couple of days, mostly my left knee. I was very confused when I first started to feel pain because I normally don't struggle at all with my knees. That's why it's been quiet strange for me.

There wasn't any swelling and it wasn't red yet, it was just some pain. But it isn't always there, mostly during the concerts and rehearsals.

I told the other lads yesterday about this. They were confused as well when they first found out. And of course they told Paul, our on the road dad.
He was there for us during the stomach bug that spread around and during multiple migraines. He has been trough all of it with us.

He says that I just have to sit down as much as possible in between the things that we had to do. And who was I to say no to that?


Things really seemed to go wrong at rehearsal today. We some different kind of stage today because the size of the stadium was a little different, so there were made some changes.

There was some point where I had to jump of the ramp, it wasn't a big jump or anything but something just seemed to snap in two.

I collided with a loud popping noise in my knee on the stage. Immediately greeted with pain, a lot of pain.

Liam POV

We all saw it happen, right in front of us. Harry landed wrong and we all heard the noise coming from his knee. We knew that it wasn't good, rushing all to him.

He was laying on his side, one hand grabbing his knee, in the other burrowing his head. Which was scrunched up in pain, His breathing was labored.

"Mate Harry" I tried to get his attention but he wouldn't even budge.
Louis and Niall were stood on the other side of him, I heard some yelling from one of the stage guys, probably wanting us to continue.
Lou was now walking up to them and almost yelling back at them.
"Ni, can you get Paul?" I said directly into Niall his eyes. His face was full of fear, he nodded quickly and scurried backstage.
"Everything's gonna be alright yeah" I said softly to Harry, crouching down beside him. My hand on his back, rubbing slow circles. "Help is on the way, try to breath"

What felt like an hour, but was really no more then 5 minutes, Paul came jogging to me and Harry. Niall was behind him following, Lou had returned not much later.

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