Chapter 4: Talk

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"What question do you want to ask me, Hashirama?"

"What kind of kingdom do you want to build?" Hashirama asked while sitting beside Ars.

Ars' face showed a small smile as he used his hands to support his back leaning body, "I have a very big ambition, Hashirama. However, that ambition was not the ambition to build an empire that could conquer the entire world. Because something like that is very complicated to do. Even with the help of my friends, I was able to do it. However, I still don't want it."

Ars paused for a moment and continued, "The kingdom that I want to build is a kingdom where every citizen living in the kingdom can enjoy a safe and peaceful life. You also know that this world itself is more terrible than your previous world. At least, even if I can't give everyone a decent life in this world. I can give a decent life to the few citizens who live in my kingdom. I will make them proud to be citizens of my kingdom, I will make them happy to be citizens of my kingdom, and I will make them happy to be citizens of my kingdom."

"Your ambitions are indeed very big and will probably be quite difficult to carry out, Ars. Especially with the existence of the World Government"

"Even though it is. However, if I'm with you. My ambition will surely come true. You are my friends, you are my confidants. Although I have the ability to plan things, however, I also have weaknesses. The shortcomings that I have are what you will complete. We will work together to build an empire where every citizen who lives in it is full of pride for being a citizen of our kingdom."

"Of course" Hashirama showed an enthusiastic smile, "We will definitely be able to do that"

"Oh yes. Ars. Can you help me explain the Haki abilities? I only got an introduction to this ability."

"Haki is an ability possessed by every creature in this world. Haki is divided into three namely Conqueror Haki, Armament Haki and Observation Haki. Conqueror's Haki is a very different type of Haki from the other two types of Haki. Because this Haki cannot be obtained through rigorous training. This Haki is innate from birth. Many say that whoever possesses this Haki has the potential to become a king. Conqueror's Haki itself is divided into two levels. The first tier is the basic level where the user can intimidate his opponent even if your Conqueror's Haki is strong enough. You can impact inanimate objects simply by releasing the energy of this Conqueror's Haki. The second level is an advanced level where the user can cover the ability possessed by the user of Conqueror Haki to attack the opponent. At the moment the attack ability is enveloped by this Haki ability. The attack ability will increase several times stronger than before. In this world, there are many people possessing Conqueror's Haki. However, only a few people can develop Conqueror's Haki to an advanced level. Right now what I know of the people who are alive and able to use the advanced abilities of Conqueror Haki are Edward Newgate, Charlotte Linlin, Kaidou, and Shanks."

"Oh? The four of them? Aren't they the ones holding the current Sea Emperor title?"

"Yes. There they are" Ars nodded, "Next is Observation Haki. Observation Haki is an ability similar to your senjutsu abilities. However, these two abilities have differences. Haki abilities can only give you better sensory abilities in sensing presence, knowing location, as well as various other sensing abilities. As for your senjutsu abilities, besides being able to provide sensing abilities. You are also blessed with additional strong physical strength. Observation Haki has two levels as well as Conqueror Haki. The first level of this ability is where the user of this ability can sense threats, know something even though it can't be seen by the eye, feel the level of strength possessed by a person, and can see the trajectory of the attack given by the opponent to the user of this ability. While the advanced level of this Haki will allow the user to gain one of the abilities that is being able to see the future, read other people's hearts, listen to the voices of everything in the world, feel the emotions that someone has, and also there is still a lot of development of abilities. this and that all depends on the abilities that can be obtained by this Haki user. Currently only a few people can develop the ability of Observation Haki at an advanced level. However, unlike Conqueror Haki, only a few people master it. There are many people in this world who have developed Observation Haki to an advanced level."

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