Chapter 143: Intense Meetings

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"If we want to build a bridge connecting the two islands, of course, we have to pay attention to the size factor of the width of the bridge" Ikumi suddenly spoke, "The Kingdom of Alabasta is a kingdom built on a vast desert. Unlike other kingdoms which were built in fertile areas and also full of plants. The Kingdom of Alabasta was built in the territory already to leave a trace. Because at any time there is a possibility that such traces will be erased by the sand. With the construction of this bridge, we can also consider building a road connecting each place, Your Majesty. For example, the main road that connects the Alurbana area and also Nanohana. Of course, I believe that there is no main road to the two places that can help someone cross the place."

"Is that right, Robin?" Shiina asked curiously.

Robin nodded, "As miss Ikumi said. The territory of the Kingdom of Alabasta is a desert area and it is difficult to be able to leave a single trace because it will be directly ingested by the sand. So far, there is nothing that can be called the main road there and residents can only use natural directions as well as the sun to know the location of the existence of a city."

"If we want to carry out the construction of the main road in the Kingdom of Alabasta that will be used as a means of pointing" Myrd suddenly said, "We can set the size of the width of the main road to the size of the bridge that will later be built by us. With the vastness of the territory owned by the Kingdom of Alabasta. I don't think it's a problem to do the construction of the main road with a wide size. Wide roads will also make it easier for them to do transportation without fear of queues or other obstacles."

"The idea for the construction of this main road is indeed very good" Kaguya nodded, "However, will we consider the materials for the construction of the north road? Is it possible to use the concept we have using paving blocks? If you use these materials, I think it will be difficult for the Kingdom of Alabasta to be able to do it, especially those who currently have financial constraints on the finances they have"

"We don't need to use paving blocks" Hashirama suddenly spoke up, "We can use our means the first time the construction of this empire begins"

Everyone's gaze fell directly on Hashirama.

"Compared to using paving blocks, which will make the Kingdom of Alabasta have to spend a lot of money. We can make a road barrier only in the area where the main road will be built. Regarding the issue of the limiter, it can be left to me. I can build a barrier with a height of 1 meter on the periphery of the area where the main road will be built later. It can also become a basic concept for the construction of the main road for the Kingdom of Alabasta. As long as the Kingdom of Alabasta wants to improve its main road, it can later upgrade the main road using paving blocks at a time when the kingdom has restored its financial condition. Meanwhile, if they don't, they just need to pay attention and also bid on the periphery of the roadblock."

Hashirama paused and continued, "After all, later the kingdom will be converted into a forest. The case previously described by Robin regarding removing traces that had been left behind will begin to disappear and the main road built before will be able to be maintained as long as they take care of it."

Everyone instantly fell silent at this.

"Well, you rarely have something good to say, Hashirama," Rin said in a tone full of surprise.

"That's right" Jouichirou nodded, "It's rare that your brain is in an active state, Hashirama"

"Shouldn't you be the one looking at you, Jouichirou?" Kojirou asked sarcastically, "Almost during this meeting, you never put out your ideas"

"How can I come up with my idea? I'm quite exhausted today because there's a lot of work to do" Jouichirou said in a resigned tone when only got a basic look and a few people.

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