Chapter 114: Alabasta's Princess Nefetari Vivi Arrested!

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Red Line, Marijoa, Pengua Castle, Gorosei Office.

"How much does Hancock want?" Masato asked Sengoku seriously through his den-den mushi.

“Hancock asked for 1 billion berries for one month”

"Nonsense!" Masato said angrily, "That's too much!"

“I already said that” Sengoku said in a resigned tone, “However, that didn't shake Hancock. He stands firm and wants us to pay him as much as 1 billion berries every month. Otherwise, we are prohibited from doing such things.”

“What about King Fortis?” Masato asked back, "You guys should have tried negotiating with him, right?"

“The answer we got is the same , Masato-sama” Sengoku said, “King Fortis also supports the decision made by Hancock. He agrees with the decision and there is even a possibility that King Fortis will want to ask for more than that.”

"There's no way we can give more" Ogata said coldly with, "1 billion berries alone is too high to give in one month just to guard. They will even benefit from the guard.”

“We'd better accept this” Noda said, “1 billion for the safety of the Tenryuubito. That's not a high value. We were able to make a withdrawal of funds to each Tenryuubito as much as 100 million berries for their safety reasons to travel to Saboundy Island. Don't let this incident happen again which will cause our name in the eyes of the world to be destroyed."

"I agree" Sonoda nodded, "We also have to focus on stabilizing the political situation of each kingdom. Currently there is a lot of chaos due to the news of the killing of the Tenryuubito. Many troops from the rebel side from every kingdom started to make their move. We cannot allow this to happen.”

"Unlucky! Since the emergence of the Fortis Kingdom. The world is becoming more and more chaotic from time to time” Yasunori said.

“Sengoku” Masato who had gotten the opinion of every Gorosei immediately said, “Accept Hancock's offer. You asked one of the Marines to come take money from our side and then bring it to him. After the money is handed over, immediately put a blockade on the area”

"I see"

Grand Line, Island of Saboundy Archepelago, Area 13.

"Hmph! Why would a Marine like you guys come here? Want to come take revenge on me?” Hancock asked with pride while looking at Tsuru who was in front of her right now.

Tsuru herself is someone who has been assigned to take care of this negotiation problem, especially the Navy knows how much Hancock hates men.

"We didn't come here to take revenge on Hancock" Tsuru said calmly as he looked around him where they had become a spectacle for the citizens. Tsuru sighed, "I'm here to continue the previous negotiations regarding the construction of the blockade"

"I still stick to my decision" Hancock said back seriously, "If you can't afford it, please get out of here and don't interfere with my business"

"We will pay for it" Tsuru said quickly, "Put in front of Hancock the money we brought"

“Alright, Vice Admiral!”

Two female Navy Soldiers immediately brought some suitcases containing large sums of money and handed them over to Hancock.

"Everything in that briefcase is worth 1 billion berries as you wish"

“1 billion berries?!” The audience who heard the amount of money was then very surprised.

"I didn't ask for 1 billion berries" Hancock said coldly, "I want 2 billion berries for one month"

Tsuru immediately frowned, “Don't play games, Hancock. That's not the deal we got before. The deal you wanted earlier was 1 billion berries”

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