Chapter 6: Cooperation Talk

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Evening, Grand Line, Water Seven Island, Gally-La Company, Leader's Office.

"Iceburg-san, these are the documents that you must review tonight." Kalifa who is currently serving as the secretary of Iceburg immediately handed a large number of documents to Iceburg who was currently sitting at her desk with a look full of fear.

"Then also, I just got a phone call from the Navy side. They wanted to place an order for 20 large warships. They hope that the ships can be finished by mid-February because they will be used at this time," Kalifa said calmly.

Iceburg's face that was previously full of fear became even sadder because the task he currently had was quite a lot.

"Ma...What about the amount of wood we currently have? Is it still enough to build the ship ordered by the Navy?" Iceburg asked calmly but his face didn't say so.

"We currently have only a small amount of wood in stock and we need to place an order again. There have been quite a number of ship orders in the past few days and the previously stored wood has been used to build the ships." Kalifa said calmly and then continued, "Iceburg-san, my work day is over for today. I have to go immediately"

"Maa... Kalifa, can't you stay for a while? For example helping me in managing this document?"

"That can't be done, Iceburg-san" Kalifa said with a serious look, "The document must be reviewed directly by you and must also get your signature directly. I don't have the right or authority to decide that."

Iceburg couldn't help but sigh sadly at the large number of documents currently in front of him that had to be reviewed and finalized tonight.

"Regarding the wood issue, I will try to contact the supplier."

"I understand" Kalifa nodded, "Then I will go first. See you tomorrow, Iceburg-san"

Kalifa immediately walked out of Iceburg's office.

Watching Kalifa leave, Iceburg felt a sense of pressure as he stared at the collection of documents he had to review one by one.

Simultaneously, the den-den mushi on his desk rang. Iceburg immediately raised the den-den mushi.

"Hello, Iceburg is here"

"Hello, Iceburg-san. Introduce my name is Ars. I am the King of the Fortis Kingdom"

"Fortis Kingdom?" Iceburg was quite confused because this was the first time he had heard the name of this kingdom, "If I may know. What is the purpose of His Highness Fortis contacting me?"

"My goal is to contact you because I want to build a cooperative relationship with the Gally-La Company"

"Cooperation?" Iceburg asked back.

"Yes. Cooperation. The Gally-La Company itself is very well known throughout the world for its shipbuilding business. Every day there are certainly many orders that come into your company for shipbuilding. This is also what causes your company to definitely need a large amount of wood to fulfill the ship's orders. Incidentally, our kingdom currently has a very large amount of wood and we also want to sell it to be able to get funds to help support our kingdom building program. The quality of our own wood is very good. Although the quality cannot compete with the quality of wood from the adam tree. However, our wood is only slightly worse than the quality of the wood from Adam's treasure tree."

"Is what Your Majesty said true?" Iceburg asked seriously.

"Everything said by me is the truth, Iceburg-san. We have very good quality wood."

"If indeed the quality of the wood that His Majesty's kingdom has is indeed comparable to what is said. We can build a cooperative relationship. However, I still need to assess the quality." Iceburg said seriously and dignifiedly since the one talking to him right now was not an ordinary person but a King of a kingdom.

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