Chapter 124: Proposal

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Elizabello II immediately contacted Ars. The sound of den-den mushi sounded in the room with the current atmosphere quite tense. Slowly, the connection finally did not get an answer at all. Bell who looked at the den-den mushi, his face was full of disappointment and sadness.

Dagama then sighed, “You are out of luck, Commander Bell. King Fortis is probably busy right now and doesn't have time to pick up his den-den mushi or maybe he's doing something outside his office right now and forgot to bring his den-den mushi.”

“What– Is there no other way?” Bell asked nervously.

“There are two ways ” Elizabello II said calmly, “The first is to wait until lunch or dinner breaks. Usually at times like that, King Fortis is easy to contact. It's still 10 in the morning, you need to wait at least two more hours before the lunch break from the Fortis Kingdom. As for the second method, we can contact Miss Lowellmina and then talk to her about what you want.”

"Is Miss Lowellmina easy to contact?" asked Bell hopefully.

“Unlike King Fortis. Miss Lowellmina is easier to contact” Elizabello II said calmly.

“In that case, please help, King of Prodance. Please contact Miss Lowellmina”

“Alright” Elizabello II nodded and immediately contacted Lowellmina.

Elizabello II himself can be said to have memorized all the den-den mushi numbers belonging to the Fortis Kingdom officials who are currently present. Not only him but Dagama and also the people who got the den-den mushi numbers belonging to the higher-ups of the Fortis Kingdom. They all memorized it. This is because if there is a situation that requires assistance from the Fortis Kingdom. They can quickly contact anyone without searching the books that record the numbers.

In contrast to Ars who did not answer the call. Elizabello II's den-den mushi call was quickly answered by Lowellmina.

Lowellmina is Head of the Department of Foreign Relations. Lowellmina must always be ready at work for anyone who will contact her. Because of that, she always brought and put his den-den mushi nearby at work.

“Hello, Lowellmina here”

Bell who saw that the communication line was connected had his face filled with excitement.

“Miss Lowellmina, it's me, Elizabello II” Elizabello II said in a respectful tone.

“Is there something the King of Prodance needs to contact me?” Lowellmina asked in bewilderment.

Because normally if Elizabello II contacted the Fortis Kingdom. Elizabello II will contact Ars soon and rarely to them.

“This…” Elizabello II immediately explained the ins and outs of the problem that was currently happening.

“I see” Lowellmina nodded.

“Miss Lowellmina, what do you think?” Elizabello II asked calmly and also full of feelings because Elizabello II really wanted to know the answer or the action that the Fortis Kingdom wanted to take.

“King of Prodance, is the representative of the Kingdom of Alabasta currently with you?” Lowellmina asked calmly.

“Sure.” Elizabello II nodded.

“I apologize for this being rude. However, can I speak to him?”

"No problem" Elizabello II immediately handed the den-den mushi to Bell. Bell nervously accepted the den-den mushi immediately.

“Hello, Miss Lowellmina. Introduce me is Bell. I am the intended representative.” Bell said in a slightly nervous tone.

“Hello, Commander Bell. You don't have to be too nervous. I already know about the problems your kingdom is currently experiencing.” Lowellmina said calmly, “Actually for the Alabasta Kingdom. His Majesty has mentioned it to us many times.”

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