Chapter 17: Whitebeard's Pirate Group!

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Red Line, Marijoa, Pengau Castle, Gorosei Office.

"What about the response given by Dr. Vega Punk? Can he create tools similar to those of the Fortis Kingdom?" Noda asked while looking at Masato who had just finished contacting Dr. Vega Punk.

"Impossible" Masato answered, "Dr. Vega Punk said that such a device was impossible for him to create. The knowledge he currently has cannot help him in creating such a technology."

"Looks like this Fortis Kingdom isn't an ordinary kingdom" Ogata said seriously, "It has tools that even Dr. Vega Punk itself could not create it. That means in that kingdom there is a scientist who has more terrifying knowledge than Dr. Vega Punk"

"We can't let a kingdom with such a threat escape our attention" Yasunori said, "Especially with a scientist like that on their side. We don't know when they will become a threat to our side."

"In that case. Do we need to deploy our agents to trace the whereabouts of this kingdom?" Sonoda asked.

"Of course" Masato nodded, "We need to quickly find the location of this kingdom and try to kidnap the scientists they have. Such a person cannot be allowed to remain in the Fortis Kingdom. They have to be by our side."

"What about the matter of Spandam's death?" Yasunori asked, "Who are we going to appoint as leader of the current CP-9?"

"We can lift Rob Lucy. Compared to Spandam. That person is more worthy to be the leader of the CP-9. If it wasn't for a request from his father who has had many services to the World Government, it would be impossible for us to appoint a person like him to lead an intelligence agency like that" Ogata replied coldly.

"What about the traitor who killed Spandam and stole the funds we allocated this year? Because of this problem, we had to pay a large amount of money back and it cost us a lot of money" Noda said coldly.

"The problem of loss is nothing for times. We are fortunate that the news of Spandam's death was not published. Otherwise the face of the World Government will be ashamed in the eyes of the world. In addition, information about CP-9 will be known by many parties. We can't take such risky actions." Masato said, "However, we will still be tracking the traitor. There's no way we'll let him go especially he knows a lot of secrets from the World Government. We can't let what happened to Who's Who happen again. We didn't allow that person to join the pirate group and let him share our information."

New World, Moby Dick.

"Father! Jinbey came and wanted to meet you." One of the Whitebeard Pirates crew members immediately told this.

"Jinbey? I haven't seen him in a long time." Ace said excitedly hearing this.

Ace is one of the commanders of the Whitebeard Pirates. Portgas D. Ace serves as Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates' 2nd Division.

"It's been a long time for me not to meet Jinbey" Marko said with a smile.

Marko is one of the commanders of the Whitebeard pirate group. Marko served as Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates' 1st Division as well as Whitebeard's right-hand man.

"Gurarara~ Tell him to come quickly, my son. I haven't seen him in a long time. Jinbey must have come to talk about something important."

"Okay, Dad!" The crew member immediately went to carry out the order.

"Talk about something important?" Marko asked confusedly but didn't immediately ask Whitebeard and waited for Jinbey to arrive.

It didn't take long for Jinbey to get there. All members of the Whitebeard pirate crew welcomed Jinbey's arrival with great enthusiasm even though Jinbey was from a different race from them.

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