Chapter 13: Encounter

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New World, Moby Dick.

"Gurarara~ Neptun, you sound really happy. What is it? What makes you happy my friend?" Whitebeard asked with a smile to his friend King Neptune through den-den mushi.

"Newgate, you must still remember the story about the great kingdom that I told you before, right?" Neptune's voice sounded very excited at this time.

"Great empire? If I'm not mistaken... You said that the name of the kingdom was the Kingdom of Fortis, right? What's with the kingdom? Have they now begun to reveal themselves to the world?"

"Apparently not yet" Neptune replied, "However, we have managed to make contact with them and have begun to establish cooperative relations with this kingdom"

Neptune paused for a moment and continued, "You know, Newgate. The king of this kingdom is very different from the king of any other kingdom that we know of."

"Different?" Whitebeard asked in confusion.

"Yes. This king never looked down on other races. He views everyone equally. The cooperative relationship that we have built also has many benefits for us. The King of Fortis has promised us to grant rights equal to the rights received by the citizens of their kingdom if we want to do anything in the Kingdom of Fortis. He would not distinguish between one and the other. He is a King worthy of respect. I finally knew what Shaarly had said to me earlier. Shayrly once told me. Some time before I got married. There will appear a king who leads a very great kingdom in the future. The king will be loved by everyone in this world because of the various actions that will be carried out by him in the future. I believe the person Shayrly was referring to is this King Fortis. He will become the King who is loved by everyone in this world."

"Gurarara~ Hearing you say this, I became eager to meet him" Whitebeard laughed excitedly, "I want to see, is he really the person you say"

"I believe. He is the one. We just have to wait for the next few years."

New World, Near the Red Line.

Hashirama who used his flying ability quickly arrived at the Red Line area. Hashirama immediately flew around the lower periphery of the Red Line while using his Senjutsu abilities to sense the presence of the people who would be the representatives of Fish-Man Island.


It didn't take long for Hashirama to find them. Hashirama immediately increased his flight speed and saw that there were several people there with the appearance of a fishman.

"Someone is approaching"

Jinbey who was currently protecting Otohime immediately sensed Hashirama's arrival using his Observation Haki. Otohime is the same, through his observation Haki which is better than Jinbey's. Otohime could sense Hashirama's arrival. The troops who were with them immediately prepared themselves to help in running Otohime.

"Fly?!" Jinbey's eyes immediately widened seeing this because Jinbey knew that the only person who had the ability to fly freely was Shiki. However, Jinbey's face also immediately showed signs of fear because the level of power he felt towards Hashirama was higher than Whitebeard's.

"Who is this person?" Jinbey thought seriously.

"Hello, are you guys representatives of the Ryugu Kingdom?" Hashirama immediately descended slowly until he was level with the height of Otohime and the others but kept his body floating.

Otohime's eyes immediately lit up hearing this, "We are indeed the representatives. Are you from the Fortis Kingdom?"

"Yes. Introducing my name is Hashirama Senju. I am the Head of the Fortis Kingdom's Intelligence Department. I am here ordered by my King to pick you up and take you to our kingdom." Hashirama immediately descended to the prepared footing.

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