Chapter 33: Placement

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New World, Royal Ship of Fortis.

"What does the King of Prodance think of our kingdom?" Hashirama asked with a smile.

Currently they are in the hull of the ship where the ship is currently sailing to go to the Prodance Kingdom because its business is finished.

"What an extraordinary kingdom— No, not his extraordinary kingdom. Rather the person leading it is someone who is truly extraordinary" Elizabello II said in a voice full of admiration, "I have never met a King like King Fortis. A King who has very broad insight has very great charisma, and is also very kind to others. I can see that everyone who works in your kingdom loves him very much."

"That's the reason why we are willing to follow him" Hashirama said with a smile.

"The house project built by your kingdom. Honestly... It's hard to believe that such a luxurious house would be given to the people of your kingdom" Elizabello II paused and continued, "Though I have never seen the houses of the Tenryuubito in person. However, I have visited Marijoa several times and participated in the Reverie meetings held there. The building there is indeed very majestic and luxurious. However, if you compare the luxury of the house and also the royal palace that you have. It's very different."

"We will always give the best to our people. Although the two types of houses that are currently under construction will only be built as many as 1000 units per type. However, the next house to be built is no less luxurious. Only problem is the smaller size. If not for the problem of the area where the population lives are small. It is not impossible that all residents will get the same house"

Hashirama paused for a moment and continued, "By the way, has the King of Prodance really made up his mind about following the policies our kingdom has?"

"Sure" Elizabello II nodded seriously, "I don't think the policy is too burdensome for our people and also there are many benefits to be gained through the arrangement of the policy"

"Your Majesty, even so. We also have to discuss with the other high ranking royals. I think we should also follow the decision-making method of King Fortis. The way he did I think the best way. We can ask the higher-ups to voice their opinion and we will choose the best opinion to use," Dagama said.

"I know." Elizabello II nodded.

"Your Majesty, regarding notification to the people. You can count on me and my troops." Iru immediately said, "We will definitely inform them and also inform them of the benefits of this tax policy. They will definitely agree especially if they know the Fortis Kingdom is also using this policy."

"The people of your kingdom seem to really like our kingdom" Hashirama said with a smile, "I heard from my friends that they get a lot of discounts when shopping in your kingdom"

"Of course, Master Hashirama" Iru nodded, "After all, your kingdom is the kingdom that helped us in resolving the war conflicts that we experienced earlier. We should repay the kindness you have given us."

Hashirama nodded and asked back, "Oh, yes. I heard from Your Majesty that you were discussing the matter of cooperative relations with the Ryugu Kingdom while I was away. Do you want to establish a cooperative relationship with them?"

"That's the plan." Elizabello II nodded.

"If you build a cooperative relationship with them. I think it was a very good decision. You can give their race permission to build a business in your kingdom and by using the same tax policy as ours. You can earn quite a bit of income from their business." Hashirama paused and continued, "I usually talk to His Majesty when I have free time. His Majesty once told me that establishing a relationship with the Ryugu Kingdom was the best decision. In addition to sufficient food ingredients that come from the ocean. We can also get quite a lot of income from the business they build. Because the taxes they have to pay us are three. Building tax, goods tax, and import tax."

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