Chapter 144: Reconstruction Discussion

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"I think we've been able to get into the next discussion, right? Regarding the issue of territorial reconstruction?" Isshiki asked with a calm smile.

Everyone nodded.

"Regarding the issue of territorial reconstruction owned by the Kingdom of Alabasta." Shiina's gaze immediately turned to Ars, "Your Majesty, we have previously discussed the issue of the construction of the main road whose function is to connect between cities and also to be an inter-island link owned by the Kingdom of Alabasta. The reconstruction that we will later carry out in the Kingdom of Alabasta will also concern the problem of river construction."

Shiina paused and continued, "Regarding the matter of the river, how about we build it beside the main road"

"Beside him?" Nezuko asked, "What do you mean we built the river following the main road construction path?"

"Exactly" Shiina nodded, "Although later the desert area will be transformed into a forest area. However, the distance between the cities owned by the Kingdom of Alabasta is quite far. The residents there also always use an animal as a medium of transportation. The construction of the river that follows the flow of the main route is to facilitate the animals which will be used as a medium of transportation as a place for them to drink and rest. That way, the animals will have no difficulty in finding water to meet their needs."

"I also agree with this idea" Kaguya nodded, "The construction of the river following the path of the main road is a thing we can implement. In addition to the functions described by Shiina before. The construction of the river following the main road path also helps us save energy and time in building the river path later."

"I also support this" Yoshino nodded, "In addition to being able to be used by animals, which will later be used as transportation by the citizens of the Kingdom of Alabasta. The river can also be used as a drinking place for animals in the Kingdom of Alabasta. The river itself must be able to touch every part of an area so that the animals in the Kingdom of Alabasta do not have difficulty in finding water for their needs."

"The construction of the river following the main road is a good idea" Gin nodded in agreement with this, "With the existence of a river that can take the entire territory of the Kingdom of Alabasta. Later, every soil in the area will always be in a moist state where it can continue to maintain better soil quality. With good soil quality, trees, and plants in the region will always be able to be maintained properly. That way, our kingdom no longer needs to pay attention to the problem of trees that if at any time experience damage problems due to drought and others. We were able to stop that at an early stage in the reconstruction period. During the period of this initial stage, it proceeded successfully and each part complemented the others. In the future, we will have to do maintenance for the bridge problem which will be built using hashirama's wooden elements."

Ars nodded and felt that this idea offered by Shiina was really good.

"Are there any other opinions on this?" Ars asked calmly.

Everyone has no one to express their opinions anymore.

"Because no one has issued his opinion. I think we will use this idea in the construction of the river" Ars said, "Well, now, regarding the issue of lake construction"

"The construction of lakes must be built in every city in the Kingdom of Alabasta, Your Majesty" Eina said seriously, "As we know that the Kingdom of Alabasta is a kingdom that urgently needs the willingness of water. Although later the territory of the Kingdom of Alabasta will be turned into a forest. However, we cannot give up the idea of not building a lake in every city in the Kingdom of Alabasta."

"That's right" Rin nodded, "The construction of this lake is also to maintain the stability of the existing humidity in the surrounding area as conveyed by Gin before. With the lakes in the region, the land around the area, especially for the area of these cities, will always be fertile because it has water availability. In addition, take back the previous topic. With the lake in each city, residents can build a pet resting place that they usually use as mounts there."

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