Chapter 36: The Safest Place is the Most Dangerous Place

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Red Line, Marijoa.

Above the sky Marijoa saw Hashirama who had arrived there while looking down at the area that is currently the residence of the Tenryuubito. The area looks very luxurious because it has many large buildings and also beautiful gardens because it is well maintained. The street where Tenryuubito lived was also very wide and was made using large paving blocks.

By now it was night time. There is no longer any activity going on in the Marijoa area. Everyone has returned to their respective residences. The Tenryuubito are already in their homes to rest, the CP-0 who are tasked with being the bodyguards of the Tenryuubito are also currently resting and also doing their own activities. The slaves were also currently in their cages.

"That's right. The safest place can be the most dangerous place. For having thought that they would definitely not be attacked in their residence. They do not know that there are still many who dare to carry out attacks on their homes."

Hashirama immediately formed a seal using his hands, "Wood Style: Wood Man Clone!"

Instantly 20 wood clones appeared whose appearance was similar to Hashirama's.

"We will begin the task that His Majesty has given us" Hahsirama said seriously then looked at one of his clones, "You go to Saboundy Island to go to the branch office of the World Economic Journal Newspaper to pick up the den-den mushi they have prepared. prepare. After that, hurry back here so we can get back together."

"I see." The clone nodded and immediately flew towards the direction of Saboundy Island.

Hashirama's gaze then looked at the other 14 clones, "Our job here is to kidnap the Tenryuubito and also plant bombs throughout the Marijoa area. The first clones up to the tenth clones will be tasked with kidnapping the Tenryuubito in five houses that are close to each other. Also, don't forget to bring the clothes they have because it can tell that they are Tenryuubito. Before doing the action. I will make everyone in the five houses that will be our targets faint and then you put up an illusion that covers the house so that our activities are not known by various parties until tomorrow"

"We understand." The 10 clones nodded firmly.

"The remaining clones will be tasked with installing bombs throughout the Marijoa area. Remember, the installation is carried out in an area that is difficult to detect then also when installing it, create an illusion to cover the bomb so that the Navy or the World Government people can't find out tomorrow."

"We understand." The four clones nodded.

Hashirama then took out all the paper bombs made by him earlier and immediately handed over to the four clones who were tasked with installing bombs throughout the Marijoa area.

"If the task of carrying out the kidnapping has been successfully carried out. You guys come back here soon. We will meet here again." Hashirama's gaze then looked at the other four clones, "As for you guys. When the task is finished, please immediately take a break"

All the clones nodded.

"Okay. Then, let's start this mission."

Hashirama and all of his clones started making moves. Hashirama followed by ten of his clones immediately landed in one of the sizable houses. They all landed on the side of the house in a dark area. After Hashirama arrived there, Hashirama immediately released his Conqueror Haki which made everyone around the location that Hashirama had targeted instantly faint.

The Tenryuubito, the slaves, and the guards in the entire area of the five houses who had currently become the target of Hashirama suddenly collapsed unconscious.

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