Chapter 39: Live Broadcast Shakes the World!

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Some time passed.

Grand Line, Island of Saboundy Archepelago, Area 35.

The current time will soon enter at 10:00 am. There are already many people gathered in area 35 who want to watch the live broadcast which will be held at 10.00 am. It could be said that everyone on Saboundy Island was gathering there. Reporters, Marines, World Government people, Tourists, Natives, and also someone from the Former Vice Captain of the Roger Pirates were there sitting on top of a building waiting quietly.

Silver Reyleigh was quite intrigued by the upcoming live broadcast.

"The screen is on!" One of the reporters immediately shouted as the screen flashed.

When the screen is on, there are 3 image placements on the screen. However, currently there is only one screen that has been activated and shows the 3 Kings who are there. King Fortis, King Neptune, and King Prodance.

"Neptune?" Rayleigh exclaimed with a face full of surprise seeing Neptune in front of the screen.

Rayleigh and Neptune can be said to be friends. They both know each other and have a very good relationship.

"King Neptune?"

"King of Prodance?"

Elizabello II and Neptune were quickly recognized by everyone present. Elizabello II is known for having made many public appearances while Neptnus himself is known for his body shape which is currently also visible on screen. Apart from that, there are also some people who have seen Neptune in person as well as some of the World Government people and also the Marines.

"Who is the young man with them?" someone asked confusedly.

The question issued by that person immediately aroused the interest of everyone present. When the screen is activated, the screen in the Gorosei office is also activated immediately.

"Neptune... Will that person also betray us?" Ogata asked with a gloomy face and full of anger.

"Rather than thinking about it" Masato said seriously, "The young man sitting in the middle of those two should be the King of the Fortis Kingdom"

The live broadcast is also currently being watched by the Navy at Headquarters. They were watching in the meeting room and the people who were watching were the top Marines.

"Hello everyone" Ars immediately opened the live broadcast for the first time, "Introduce my name is Ars. I am the King of the Fortis Kingdom"

"King of the Fortis Kingdom?!" Exclaimed several people watching.

The reporters immediately took pictures of Ars very quickly.

"I'm sure all of you already know who I'm currently with. Both are Elizabello II or often we know as the King of the Prodance Kingdom and the other is Neptune or we often know as the King of the Ryugu Kingdom" Ars paused and continued, "Regarding the live broadcast we are currently doing. There are a few things we tell you about. The first thing we're told is..." Ars' voice stopped and looked at the King of Prodance.

Elizabello II nodded and continued, "Currently the Kingdom of Prodance has severed its affiliation with the World Government. We are no longer part of the World Government and currently we have established a cooperative relationship with the Kingdom of Fortis."

Elizabello II's words immediately shocked everyone. The reporters immediately recorded the information to report this.

Ars then looked at Neptune.

"Then for the Ryugu Kingdom. Starting today— No, right now. We Ryugu Kingdom will sever any affiliation with the World Government. Right now the Ryugu Kingdom only has a cooperative relationship with the Fortis Kingdom" Neptune said seriously.

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