Just Caring

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Hi this is NOT an update, yes you read it right.

I would just like to talk to you and it's your choice if you will respond me, which that would be great as I can listen or read your sides.

Well as I made mentioned to my latest update about July is coming, in the story which in United States its a celebration of Mental Health Awareness Month.

And as a person who is widely aware of mental health issues and queries. I would like to share my thoughts and experiences handling such cases of most of people or my friends and new friends I've found here and to other social media platforms approached me about. This is very alarming for me as I listen to their problems in such age they already fighting for it.

Which worst I encountered this serious situation or rather a conversation. My good friend excuse herself from our GC, which she made mentioned that she's literally drained of everything and can't handle it anymore. So I let her leave to our GC as I respected her decision and privacy as well.

But later on while having my back reads to our GC I can sense to her past chats there's something that was not okay about her. So I privately messaged her which good thing she responded quickly. I asked her if there's something to our GC that she feels uncomfortable or something specific as I want everyone in our group will get along and have some fun.

Then later on she said that it was about her studies, which she can't workout about struggling to academic and about herself. Which I know a lot of us really struggling to our studies to be able to reach our different goals in life. But what I felt sad about it was she's struggling with her own self which it was very alarming.

She even committed suicide for so many times and what worst she don't know that she's harming herself. Like she's out of her mind and hurting herself then later on she will realized that there's bloods already coming out from her. So we talk and talk until she's doing well for the next days.

If I'm not that really busy I will always asked her if, how she is? Or is she's doing well? Which she is and now, and she's able to get back to herself picking up every pieces of her. And she's now back to our GC which we gladly welcomed her back.

She's not the only person I have met with such problems. Which worst I have this little Adings in GC's or even in my IG messaging me. Which we're sharing few things about ourselves which turned out she's sharing her personal challenges.

I don't really do the first move like asking them as I want that they will be the one who will do it as I don't want to over stepped to someone's personal life. Well she shared she's having this anxiety, depression, stress and breakdowns. And imagine she's only 11, which when I was in that age I always enjoy eating mangos and guavas from our neighbors.

Well back to her, she shared which I keep listening to her and also giving some help. Which she's gradually getting better every time I checked about her. And it's nice she's not that the emotional person I've known which she knows now doing well on how to work with her own battles.

And here's the very latest which one of the best person I've known even in just in a social media platform. Which we are not different to each other anymore and she's my Manang and I'm her THE MOON YOUng Ading. She's very a light person which a funny person too.

Sometimes she will be the leader of our katarantaduhan which we are all happy about it. But recently she's fighting and struggling too much of her situation right now. She's been over thinking that much which it's so sad as a sister to her now I feel sorry of what she have inside.

I know we don't hold our lives but we can change our situation we are living right now. That's why I'm sharing this with you all to enlighten everyone not just yourself. Protect everyone from the harm by others and by their own self. Your family, your friends or special someone protect them.

Not all harm are caused by others, sometimes we caused it to ourselves. And that's the threatening point of our life on how hold to handle our different and own challenges we face everyday. But whats is important is that we don't give up and fight for it and win every battles even in a gradual way at least there's changes or improvements to ourselves.

That we can prove that we are still strong despite everything. We are still capable of doing and getting back ourselves the way we are. We are more powerful than those problems that don't deserves our surrender and that's we keep moving.

As we move forward we can make a big difference of the back of our situations. We are far away from the point of getting back from the worst we had. Because we deserved to be happy and live the best life we can ever have.

So those of my readers and supporters I would like to thank you all for making my story as your peace and calm treatment to yourself. I know I've been hurting you with the Chapters and keep you waiting for so long. So my apologies for you all.

That's why I'm letting you to contact me by messaging of any flatforms I'm in. I'm not forcing you to do so but if you need someone to listen you up, I'm here. Maybe I'll be late for responding it, but trust me I would love to help. I'm not that a psychiatrist, but I just want to lessen what is heavy inside of you.

That's would be all and I know you are all strong to face everything. Just always remember that no one is a mess in the world, it's only the situation you are in so get out and stand up. You, is the only solution of every battles you have.

Have a blessed Friday everyone and good evening. Sorry for the grammars.


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