
2.4K 19 12


Hey everyone! it's the author, Dorren and I want to start off by saying welcome to any new readers and welcome back to any previous readers.  Never in a million years would I have expected this fanfiction to reach nearly 50K views and for that I am thankful. 

But, I'll be honest, it's not the best.  Far from it actually.  

When I stared posting, I had never written anything creatively outside of high school which was six and a half years ago for me.  Due to this, the pacing is terrible due to long run out paragraphs and grammatical errors thanks to my dyslexia.  Not to mention I had absolutely no refined writing style leading to plot holes and sometimes rushed chapters

Due to this, in the new year (2023), I am going to edit and improve what's published and rewrite The Musical Fox Hero: Kitsune.

I want this to be a fanfiction that I can be proud to say I wrote.  So, I ask that you please be patient and if you've started reading this and gave up on it for one of the reasons above, that when I do the rewrite, that you please give it another chance.  

I hope you all enjoy your holiday season and I hope to hear from you soon!



Hey, sorry for the lack of the rewrite, I know I said I was doing that (And I am).

I really dove right into improving this book.  I can't believe how unorganized and generally poor I wrote this.  

Part of what's taking so long is that I'm doing away with the 1st person POV's and doing everything in 3rd person.  A lot of the earlier chapters are entirely in 1st Person so that's what took the most work. I'd say I'm about 40% complete in the rewrite and while I hope for it to be out in a few months it might not be done until the end of the year. 

I'm not putting my entire focus on the rewrite since I've already started posting another story as well but I'm making good progress. 

With the growing popularity (going on 60K views) I hope you'll all stick around and like improved version I plan on putting out. Thanks for all the support I've gotten until now, it means a lot!!!

The musical Fox hero: KitsuneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin