part 2|captured|

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: these boots are made for walking - nancy sinatra

It was the next day and she had been called for a meeting in an old office building. She suspected this was a trap considering the time, but she thought it would be fun to try to take on the Avengers.

She arrived outside the building and used her watch to check for other people. She was right. There were six people in the building, scattered awaiting her arrival, one abate. She made sure to wear her ring today and any extra jewellery that had secret components. She entered through the window and sat down. The man stood waiting for her, and she looked confused. He was the bate.

"I'm immensely grateful they cared enough to send the entire avengers team to ambush me. This will be fun," she said with a smirk and laughed. They came out of their hiding spaces and prepared to fight. The big green guy was missing, however. They had left him in the jet.

"Most entertainment I've had in a long time."

"We need you to come with us. Refuse, and we will take you the hard way."

"I'd like to pick the hard way thanks, seems more fun," she said, looking over at Natasha, who had a bandage over her neck.
"Ah the princess, I see you've recovered. Ready for round two?"

Natasha rolled her eyes, and they all came towards the killer, throwing punches and attacks left right, and centre. She dodged most, taking one or two but not letting it greatly affect her.

She grabbed onto something on her waist. She shot at the window and jumped out. They were three stories up, so she grabbed the hook out of her waist belt and grappled onto a building nearby. Clint shot at her and the hook, but she somehow managed to dodge them. She ran in between alleys and on top of buildings. When Iron Man caught up to her, he swooped down and took her by the arm, taking her back to the building. She twisted and tried to get out of his grip.

When she returned to the abandoned office, she was put into handcuffs and chucked against the wall.

"Why are you doing this?" Captain America asked her

"Why? Why? I'm doing what the world needs. Secretly." she unbuckled her hands quietly as they were having this conversation with her. She quickly typed into her watch the neared exits and found one to her left.

"Did you think I'd stay in these? Pathetic," she said and sprinted out of the room.

"oh for fucks sake," Clint said getting his bow ready.

"Bruce we're going to need them full handcuffs. She escaped the normal ones." Natasha said into her coms.

By this point, stygian was already down another back alley and was trying to lose trace of Steve. She ran into thor on the way so had to fight him. He put his hammer down and got his fists ready.

She jumped up and wrapped her legs around his head trying to stop him from breathing. She bashed his head against the brick wall next to them and ran off leaving him with a concussion.

She turned the corner to face Steve and turned back around to Clint and Natasha all facing her.

"Well I had fun," she said and jumped side to side on the buildings trying to get up. After being hit with the electrical arrows Clint had she tried to climb up the last bit and laid down in the room pulling it off her arm.

It hurt like hell and she knew. Usually, she was practically immune to pain but now this hurt. The team had made it to where she was and started to gather around her. Tony came close with a needle of anesthetic trying to knock her out.

"get off me!" she shrieked and pulled out her sword cutting Tony's mask off. "think I can't handle some stupid drug? Trust me I'm used to it." she slashed Rodgers's legs trying to make a run for it but thor held her back. She broke his nose and he had her by the neck.
She tried to resist but it was no use, the god was too strong.


Stygian and the avengers made it back to the jet and they trapped her hands into full fist cuffs. She got drugged a few more times and tried to resist it as best as she could.

"Who knew I'd stand a decent chance against the mighty avengers"
She laughed to herself and glared at Natasha.
"Especially you, red, I had you at the palm of my hand on your last visit"

The assassin got up enraged and the killer stood up to look down at the other woman. She was quite a bit taller.
The redhead looked at Tony and he gave a nod. She knew where this was going; she'd seen it all before. Natasha tried to swing but stygian dodged and elbowed Natasha at the edge of her eye.

"Be careful, princess, next time I'll use these. I don't think you want to ruin that beautiful hair of yours with a split head," she said playfully with a smirk.

"Okay, you're getting on my nerves now. Bruce got anything stronger?" Tony said getting up from the front and putting the plane on autopilot.

"yes but it's dangerous."

"you don't be afraid, give it a shot. What's the worst that could happen? Could kill me? More of a blessing that." she said and Tony took the needle and jabbed it into her neck. She almost instantly passed out and slouched onto the chair.

"thank. The. Lord." Tony said exhaustedly.


malignant (Natasha X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora