part 3|words like knives|

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: stone cold crazy - queen

Stygian woke up in the same cuffs as she was in on the jet. She was chained to the ground. There was no bed or anything. Just a glass wall in front of her. It was bulletproof of course. As far as she could tell, she still had her watch on; brilliant.

She looked around the room to see where she was and spotted 3 cameras. She was sitting against the wall and looked up slouching even more.

A little while later Romanoff entered the room and Steve waited outside.
Stygian looked up and smirked at the woman.

"come back for more? You just can't seem to stay away from me can you?" she grinned.

Natasha threw a strong punch at the girl hoping to impact her in some way.

Stygian started laughing.

"you're crazy. Do you know that? What makes you think you should go around killing people like crazy? Are you a psychopath?" she asked awaiting a response that never came. Instead, the only thing she got back was a smug look from the brunette sitting on the floor in front of her." answer me! "
That landed another punch.

"you think I can't take a punch? Do you think I haven't been through this before? Think I'm not used to it? It's all the same, princess." she said with a smirk rustling the handcuffs that kept her restrained. "you are no different from them. Even if yous happen to be labelled as heroes yous still treat people like every other villain out there." she said smirking. She could tell this affected Natasha but the assassin tried to hide it.
"you think I'm a psychopath, do you? Maybe I am. Maybe it's because my entire life I've been trapped in a room like this. Maybe it's because I've been treated like a killer my entire life and trained like one that I feel like I have to earn that title. You live in constant guilt and pain through all the suffering you caused. You suffer in silence. This team might seem like family to you but you know that your family doesn't exist anymore. They died. Dreykov killed them. He doesn't remember them. They were insignificant. You were dumped on the street. Your mother fought for you and that's how she got herself killed. "

By this point, Natasha's eyes were flowing with tears and she couldn't control it. It was obvious.

" stop," she said letting out a small sniff.

"that's the way life is. Cant you see? Are you that blind by trying to save yourself from the guilt that you don't see what life is like? Kill or get killed. You've got to be the best otherwise you fall. You get punished. With emotions, or physical. We grew up with training to prevent our emotions from getting in the way. We used them for weapons." stygian paused. She slouched even more and covered her face with the cuffs.

"Whatever you are going to do to me, I have already experienced worse. Traumatize me even more? Not possible. I have been brainwashed by hydra since I was 3. My life has been filled with blood and gore and violence. Do u not think I get tired? I'm exhausted. But that is the only thing I know how to do. The only thing that makes me know I've got a purpose. If there's no purpose then what's the point in living right? And oh I've tried. I've tried so very hard at them times when I've felt like I was without purpose, to end it. Make sure there was nothing. But that fucking serum made me almost immortal.
If you've come to kill me then try. Try everything and I will look forward to that day. "

Natasha was speechless. So much had happened. She'd said so much. The assassin's head was filled with questions but all she could think to do was walk out.

She closed the door behind her and just walked out trying to contain all her emotions. Stygian had done a number on her and she didn't know what was affecting her so much.


Steve entered the cell seeing stygian stationery on the floor staring at the ceiling.

"What did you say to her?" he asked in an annoyed tone

"you tell me. You're recording this aren't you." the killer said locking her eyes on the camera with a smirk.

"Whatever this game is that you're playing it is not fun."

"oh, but it is for me. It's really fun. I've never been this excited in my life!" she laughed with an evil grin on her face staring right into his eyes. "why? Why do you try? Shouldn't you be retired?"

"shouldn't you be dead? Why do you do this? Are you still their slave? Do you still work for them?"

"oh please, enough with the questions. You're never going to get an answer. Stop trying." the moisture from her palms had started to loosen her hands from the handcuffs. She did this but kept still. She'd wait till he left and then stretch.

"don't you get tired of this? This act you put on trying to intimidate or impress people. We can all see it. We can all see who you are, people with these types of fronts usually don't have the best health."

She hesitates. "why would you care?" she spoke in a monotone voice removing her gaze from him, by hitting her head off the wall behind her and looking up at the ceiling. She had no intention of looking anywhere else.

"We can help you"

"you can help me? By what locking me in another cell and beating it out of me? I was raised to be this. The only thing I've ever known is this and that this was who I was to become. If I betrayed, I would suffer. And oh I've tried, so many goddamn times, but every time it got worse. It got to the point of mental manipulation: mind control. My functions would be rearranged; practically reprogrammed. If I am not this, what other purpose do I serve? Could I even come back from this?" once she finished her last sentence she sighed and slouched down the wall into a ball.

Steve looked down in defeat.

"Exactly. I am beyond the stage of being saved. I have no future. Give up already Rodgers. Pack up your boy band and go home." stygian said one last thing before Steve finally walked out.


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