part 10|a creep, a murder and a bit of Asgardian alcohol|

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: who is she? - I Monster

Music was blasting, as the party had already started. Y/n was slightly late because she had gotten carried away whilst getting ready.

She walked down the steps into the main part of the celebration. The stares began and y/n loved it. Most of the attention was on her.

"And I thought my entrances were dramatic!" Tony shouted as y/n made her way over to where the Avengers were sitting.

"It's the only right way to enter, Stark."

Natasha was in shock. As were most people in the room but her the most.

This was the moment. This was the moment when Natasha realized she had a crush on y/n. She had a crush on one of her best friends. These feelings she's had for the past weeks. The emotions she thought nothing of. They were all signaling that she was attracted to the brunette that stood in front of her.

"Hey, I'm going to get a drink. Are you coming?" Y/n and spoke to Natasha.

"Yeah." The redhead couldn't have stood up faster than ever. If she was going to get through this night, she needed a drink as soon as possible.

"You look amazing. Red is your colour, you should wear it more often." The brunette said to Natasha with a smirk as she sat down on the bar stool.

"Aren't you a flirt tonight? I have to say though you also look amazing. When did you get that dress? You certainly didn't get it whilst we were out."

"I've had it for a while. Might have snuck out one night to pick it up from my place, as you do."

Natasha laughed.

"I can't believe Jarvis doesn't rat you out."

"Oh believe me he must be so sick of it," Y/n said picking up the cocktail that had been placed in front of her.


After a while of lighthearted conversations with Natasha, y/n noticed a creepy guy in a corner who had been staring for way too long.

"You should go back to the others I need to go to the bathroom. Do you mind if you take my drink?"

"Yeah, I'll take it, that's fine," Natasha said with a smile walking over to the others.

While the redhead was distracted, y/n made her way over to the guy.

"Come to tell me off?" The guy said with a smug look.

Guys like this made y/n want to gag.

"Maybe..." y/n said in a fake flirty voice. She had a plan.

Once she had gotten close enough to the man, she whispered:

"Let's go somewhere else."

The man was oblivious and followed her.

They had gotten out of the tower and now the guy was starting to question where she was taking him.

Once she had taken him to an alley around the corner, he questioned her.

"Why not in there?"

"High security. Now, where was I? Oh yes!" She said placing a hand on his shoulder and his hip.

From a small fold in her dress, she pulled out a knife secretly. She placed a hand over his mouth before he saw her and shushed him.

"It'll only hurt a little, once you get used to it," she said, finally stabbing him repeatedly, through his vital organs.

"Try not to drool over me or my friends anymore. If you survive," she said with a toxic exaggerated smile.

"You're evil!" He said falling to the floor.

"Oh, am I? Try this." Was the thing she said before stabbing her knife through his head.

She hid his body in a rubbish bag in the trash and started to walk off.

"Ugh so many gross men," Stygian complained to herself.

She quickly rushed back to the party, hoping to not worry anyone.

"Hey, thanks for keeping my drink," Y/n said to Natasha.

"No problem."


It was a few hours later and many people had either left or had gotten drunk.

Natasha was on her way to being drunk.

"Who would like to try Asgardian alcohol?" Boomed Thor, holding up a flask.

"Me!" Y/n decided in a split second.

"Are you sure, mortal?"

"Are you doubting me, Thor? Besides, that serum might prove its worth." She said holding up her glass full of it, as a cheers.

"Should I shot it or pace it?"

"Either works!"

"Can I have some?" Natasha asked y/n

"Sure, only a sip."

"Generous." Natasha scoffed and took a sip.

You could tell by her face that it was strong so the brunette drank the rest in one go.

"Wooo!" Cheered Tony.

"He's drunk." Apologized pepper.

She could feel the drink begin to get to her head but she could handle it.

Y/n had been a lot drunker before.

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