Part 1 |oh shit|

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: season of the witch - lana del rey

(A year has passed since the end of the first book)

Quiet music played gently from the corner of the room out of a speaker. Natasha sat behind Y/n plaiting her hair.

A few candles had been lit around the room to make it smell of vanilla and a small hint of cinnamon, (Natasha's pick). Both girls absorbed the peace around the room. 

Y/n rested her head against Natasha's shoulder causing the red head to laugh.

"You know I can't do your hair if your head is on my shoulder," Natasha spoke in a hoarse but humoured voice.

"Hm, I know but I'm making the most of this time we've got together," she said whilst sitting back up.

As Natasha started to finish plaiting Y/n's hair, she gently kissed her on the cheek and smirked.

Their romantic moment was abruptly interrupted when Steve knocked at the door.

"I hate to ruin your lovely moment but we've got a breakthrough. I think this is the closest we'll be to Rumlow since what happened in Washington DC. We need to get everyone briefed and ready to go. Get changed into your kit and get ready on the jet."


"Give me an x-ray," Sam said to his gadget, "that truck's loaded for max weight and the driver's armed"

"It's a battering ram"  Nat spoke into her earpiece breaking the news to everyone

"Go now," Steve spoke in an assertive voice

"Why?" Wanda spoke confused as the others got ready to fight and left their positions

"He's not hitting the police."

Just as they started to move the action began. The truck tumbled through the entrance to the lab. Seconds later two yellow trucks swerve in unloading armed men.
They made their way into the building, gassing out everyone in sight.

Steve flew in with his shield fighting the men outside.

"Body armour. AR15s. I make seven hostiles." Cap alerted the rest of the team.

"I make five," Sam spoke

Wanda flew in and engulfed a guard in her magic flying him over to Sam.


"Rumlow is on the third floor."

"Wanda, just like we practised."

"What about the gas?"

"Just like we practised."

Y/n found a couple of the gang around the outskirts of the building and was taking them down when she saw a red cloud of gas take over the sky.

"Damn, witchy. You've got some skill."

After a minute had passed Steve spoke on the coms once again.

"Rumlow's got the weapon."

"On it," Natasha responded.

She drifted her motorbike and let it skid across the ground, knocking the men down. Then, quickly shooting her widow bites she took down as many men as possible.

Suddenly, Rumlow grabbed her by the neck and dropped her into the tank throwing a grenade in.

"Fire in the hole"

Once the grenade had gone off Natasha had managed to get through the back doors of the vehicle.

Y/n ran over as Natasha started coughing.

"Hey, can you get up?" Stygian asked.

"Yeah I'm fine thank you." The assassin said flashing a quick smile but started to find the others.

"Sam, he's in an AMB heading north.

After the getaway car had crashed into the markets the gang ran off in various directions.

"I've got four they're splitting up."

"We've got the two on the left," Y/n said after getting off Natasha's motorbike.

"They ditched their gear. It's a shell game now"

A bomb flew onto Cap's shield. Thinking quickly he threw it up in the air, then noticed Rumlow on his left.

"There you are you son of a bitch. I've been waiting for this!"


"He doesn't have it I'm empty!"

"Out of the way!" Natasha shouted

She tackled the guy and started fighting him with Y/n.

Another guy appeared with a gun and Y/n quickly took him down.

However, when he got back up, he and Natasha both pointed their guns at each other.

The other guy held the biological weapon as Y/n had him in a headlock.

"Drop the gun or I'll drop this. Do it!"

"He'll do it!"

"Drop it and I'll slit your throat," Y/n spoke to the man with the biological weapon.

Quickly, Sam's gadget flew in and shot the man in the neck, making him drop the weapon. Y/n quickly dived for it and caught it whilst Natasha shot the other guy.

"Payload secure." She said in a formal tone. "Thanks, Sam."

"Don't thank me." Sam teased

"I'm not thanking that thing."

"Aw come on Nat it's cute." Y/n joined in with the teasing.

"His name is Redwing."

"I'm still not thanking it."

"You should pet him."

The crew could hear Sam's smirk through the coms.


"This is for dropping a building on my face," Rumlow spoke fueled with anger and he pulled out a knife.

When he was finally kicked to the floor he started speaking again.

"I think I look pretty good all things considered."

"Who's your buyer?"

"You know he knew you. Your pal, your buddy, your bucky."

"What did you say?" Steve grabbed him closer getting emotional.

"He remembered you. I was there. He got all weepy about it. Till they put his brain back in a blender."

Y/n could hear everything. So could the rest of the team. And until now she had totally forgotten the file she had once taken and stored under her mattress. It should still be there as long as it hadn't been taken. She'd never ended up giving it to Steve in the end. She'd always forgotten. But now at the mention of Bucky's name, she knew what she would eventually need to do.

"He wanted you to know something," Rumlow continued," he said to me, please tell Rodgers, when you gotta go, you gotta go. And you're coming with me." He smirked.

He pressed a button and an explosion began. Fortunately, Wanda had swooped in and used her magic to control the explosion. She threw the energy ball up into the air to prevent killing civilians but it had been thrown into a building. Blowing up half a floor.

Once she had realised what she had done she covered her mouth with her hand in utter horror. The witch started to sob uncontrollably as she fell to her knees.

"Oh shit," was y/n's first thought.

"Sam we're going to need fire and rescue for the south side of the building."

Y/n had just made it to the scene and once she knew what had happened she rushed over to Wanda.

"Hey, Wanda. It wasn't your fault okay. You did what was best in the situation and it's not your fault." Y/n spoke softly, holding the girl in her arms as Wanda's head was resting on her shoulder.

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