part 7|what happened to anger?|

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: Dazed and confused - led zeppelin

Returning to the street on which she began this adventure, the killer stopped at a shop. Walking in She pulled out some money she had stole from the agents. She grabbed a bottle of vodka off the shelf and went to the cashier.

"Anything else?"

"Some cigarettes please"

After giving the woman the money she walked out and went to go pick up her bag.

Once having reached the alley where her bag was, she slumped down the wall, reaching in the duffel bag for a lighter. She lit a cigarette and took it all in.

The woman knew she had just messed up a perfectly good chance at redemption, but she had gotten her revenge. That is all she cared about.

Pulling the hoodie over her head, she placed the cigarette back in between her lips. Taking the bag full of her used weapons, she carried the vodka bottle in the other hand, occasionally taking a swig from it.

Stygian didn't always drink and smoke. Only when she was stressed or it was a celebration.

The figure walked back to the Tower, discarding her cigarette at the doors.

Her hood was up to hide the blood smeared on the corner of her face. Her hands were cut but not severely; she was also out of breath.

Once the elevator had reached her floor, the doors opened, revealing the killer, drinking.

Luckily no one was in front of the elevator as her floor was on the same level as the kitchen.

When she was in her room she dumped her stuff down next to her and slumped down the side of her bed. She took another drink but by now it was slowly starting to have an effect.

She put her weapons away in their usual hiding place and got changed, leaving the files on the floor ready for her to read.

Once she was in more comfortable clothes she sat down again, debating what to do. Stygian placed bucky's file under her mattress. She didn't want to invade but kept it in case she was to ever give it to Steve.

She got a cloth from her bathroom and poured some of the alcohol onto it. The killer needed to disinfect a wound on her arm. She grabbed some bandages too.

This was until she was caught off guard by the knock at her door.

"Fuck" stygian whispered

She grabbed the bottle and took a mouthful as she opened the door.

The killer was shocked by the redhead standing outside her room.

Natasha was also shocked but because of the image in front of her:
Stygian stood slightly slumped with a bandage wrapped around their upper right arm, an almost empty bottle of vodka in her left hand, a blood smear on the upper right of her face, a slightly messy bed from the mattress being lifted, a discarded hoodie in the corner of the room, an open pack of cigarettes, a bloodied cloth lying on the floor, and finally, the thing that Natasha hadn't fully seen, was the hydra file on the floor next to the bed.

"What the actual fuck happened to you? Are you alright?"

"Since when did you care about anyone princess?" Stygian said with a smirk.

"You look a mess. What happened? Let me in."

"Ugh," stygian was too tired to argue and moved aside for Natasha to enter.

Stygian took another swig of the bottle and slid her back down the door, rubbing her face.

Natasha took another look around the room, trying to take it all in. She spotted the file on the floor and walked over to it.

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