part 15|mission time|

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: Immigrant song -led zeppelin

Clint and Y/n were on the jet, off to another mission. She had done a few previously, but this one was slightly more important.

"You excited?" Clint asked from the co-pilot seat.

"As excited as I can be. We're only going to retrieve a few files." Y/n said a jokingly upset look on her face

"The plan?"

"Land 100 meters out. Check for agents. Go in and find the security room where the files are held. I put a stark gadget on the computer and wait for it to finish whilst you stay on guard."

"Well done. We'll be there shortly."

Sneakily, they placed careful footsteps along the corridors of the base.

"I think it's this way," Clint spoke.

They got to the room and spotted it empty to their relief.

Stygian placed the stark device on the computer, and it began to do its thing: downloading their files and extra key information.

She began to talk when something set off in her head. She held up her hand to stop him from talking and signalled for him to stand by the computer. After he had begun to move, she took out her gun and held it at the door of the room, masking her expression with an evil yet stern look on her face. She was anticipating the agent's arrival. Stygian knew they'd come busting through that door any second.

"Clint, get your arrows ready. We've got company to entertain."

He did as she said, and they braced for impact.

Almost seconds after she spoke, seven Hydra agents broke down the door.

"Surrender, or we'll kill you both!" One of the agents shouted, aiming his gun at y/n.

She slowly raised her hands, turning to look at Clint. He gave her an annoyed, confused look, but she returned one that read,'I have a plan.'

By the time he turned back to look at the agents, they had begun to shoot at him. However, due to y/n knowing that this would happen, she ran in front of Clint to block the bullets, getting hit a few times.

"Fuck." That was all she said through the pain.

She fired bullets at the armed guards and began to tackle the others.

When most were down and Clint was finishing the rest, stygian had one pinned against the wall by his neck.

"Don't. Fucking. Attempt. To shoot my friends. Ever. Again." She spoke gritting her teeth.

She threw a punch making the guy reach up his hand to touch his gashing head. The killer took that as an opportunity to take his arm and bend it, snapping it in the opposite direction.

'Well done stygian. Finish him off.'

The woman heard a voice say. She realized she was back in Hydra. She was in a flashback.

She picked up the agent who was on the floor by the back of his neck, looking at him in the eyes with a stone-cold glare. Almost like she had lost herself in another world. Her past.

'What are you waiting for? You're weak, you're useless, you're worthless. Be good and do your job and you might get a reward tonight.'

When Stygian looked around she saw her old boss and the doctors there. They stood with judgemental looks on their faces. There even was a tray set out with lots of the serum contained in needles.

Once she flashed back to reality, she looked at the guy who she had a hold of. Her grip had tightened at the thought of her past and his neck was turning purple.

With one swing she threw his head against the wall, killing the man immediately.

When the killer turned around, still wearing a malicious look on her face, there was one remaining agent who had just regained consciousness.

"You'll always be Hydra property. Don't forget where you belong." He spoke pulling out his gun to shoot the gun. His hands were shaking; using the last bullet, he missed her.

She walked over to him taking the gun out of his hand and throwing it to the side. Then, putting her boot on his ribcage, above his heart, she slowly started to add pressure.

"You can't control me, worthless scum. I may have lost my mind, but it wasn't under your watch."

He looked at her with a smirk until she pressed with all her weight against his ribcage, making it crack a million times.

Once the man died she fell back against the wall, dizzy with the amount of blood she had lost. She took off her shirt, leaving her in her sports bra. Tearing the material, she tied it around her wounds applying pressure to limit the blood loss.

Clint ran over, trying to shake off any fear from before, from watching her kill them men.

"Here, let me help," He said, trying to help tie it.

She was too nauseous to fight back, and so she rested her head on the wall.

"I'm going to need to stay awake y/n. Keep your eyes open."

She gave a small laugh and smiled at Clint.

"Thank you."

"I'm going to call Bruce when we get back on the jet."

"Oh, that won't be necessary, I can stitch it up myself, don't worry."

"Yeah, but I think -"

"Clint. I don't need a doctor. Bruce is nice, but it's unnecessary. Let's leave."

Clint gave up on trying to get y/n to go to Bruce and helped her stand up.

Clint helped y/n onto the co-pilot seat, and he began to start the jet.

Stygian's thoughts were loud, really loud. Most consisted of: Natasha finding out thoughts about her past, trying to keep herself awake, and how she was going to not let her wounds not get infected.

"Please look after yourself y/n. It's important in this job."

"I do. I just didn't want u to be shot. But hey, I've got a stomach holier than the bible."

Clint let out a small laugh at that, trying to make the mood lighter.

"I'm going to go put on my spare shirt, be right back."

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