part 30|Fun outside of hours|

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: Only Angel - Harry styles

Y/n revved the engine of the motorcycle and kicked away the stopper that was on the side. She set off with Natasha tightly gripping around her waist. Nat did not trust for a second that Y/n was a good driver but let her have her moment of thinking she was brilliant.

Purely for the adrenaline rush, Y/n sped through traffic, weaving in and out of cars and trucks, completely violating any standing traffic laws.

"Y/n what the fuck! You know we're still supposed to follow the law! I don't want to be arrested! Slow the fuck down!"

"Chill out! Who cares! It's fun!"

"I'm pretty sure the cops are going to care when they're chasing after us!"

"Cool it! Don't you believe that I can outrun them?"

"Y/n you know that's not the point! And you better watch the road because I'm not getting into a crash!"

"We won't! We're going to be there soon anyways! You'll love this place!"

"I hope so!"

Natasha still held on tight whilst they continued to speed through the main road, despite Natasha's serious warnings.

When they got to the place, Natasha was confused. It looked like an ordinary set of apartments.

"I know what you're thinking, just come with me," Y/n said getting off the bike and grabbing Natasha's hand.

Y/n got to a door and knocked. A friendly woman opened the door, she looked to be in her mid-fifties and had started growing a few grey hairs.

They walked through and entered what looked to be a bookstore.

"Now I'm completely lost. What on earth?" Natasha said with the most puzzled look anyone could ever produce.


Y/n weaved the assassin in and out of a few rows of bookshelves.

"Why'd you make me get so dressed up for a library."

Just as Natasha finished her sentence, Y/n stopped walking in front of a bookshelf that was up against a wall.

"That's the thing, darling, it's not just a library," she spoke with a proud smirk.

When she pulled a book out slightly, the bookshelf moved and opened up a staircase.

"If this is a plot to get me killed you could've done it easier."

"You know if you weren't so paranoid and distracted by the fact that this place isn't as it seems, you might realise I'm actually doing something nice for you," Stygian tutted.

They quickly reached the bottom of the staircase, looking into the large room in front of them.

The lights were dimmed, strobe lights flashed and there was an array of barstools and tables set around the edges of the room. The bar was situated towards the back of the room to the right, it was partially crowded but not enough to feel overwhelmed. Just enough to create a perfect atmosphere.

At the back to the left, there were a few couches scattered about, with a few currently being occupied.

As Nat looked further there was an archway that led into a room filled with pool tables.

"It's a club?" Natasha said knowing she should've expected this.

"A gay bar to be precise. Ever been to one?"

"Nope, you don't get much time away from the compound. You have to spend your holidays well."

"Well, this will be a perfect first time. People won't bite, trust me, I know most of the people in the room."

"What, are you a regular or something?" Natasha joked.

"Was," Y/n smirked.

"What changed? Meet anyone?" Natasha played, with a smirk growing on her face.

"I might have to think about that. No one particularly special, the standard, you know."  The brunette said with a huge grin.

Nat laughed and walked further into the room.

"Want to go get some drinks?"

"Definitely. I'm in the mood for a cocktail." Natasha spoke.

"You read my mind."

Both girls sat down and began their drinks. Their playful conversations continued as they laughed and joked about anything.

They had finished their fourth drinks and Natasha had suggested they went to dance.

Both girls were quite Intoxicated and were dancing like they weren't going to have the biggest hangover the next day.

"How on earth are we getting home?" Natasha shouted over the music.

"Steve said he could pick us up!" Y/n shouted back.


Nat held y/ns hand up and made her spin in time with the music. Finishing the twirl Nat placed her hand on the girl's lower back.

"I love this song!"

"It's so good!"

As the music finished, Y/n pulled Nat into a passionate kiss, then kissed her on the cheek, leaving a lipstick mark on her face.

They danced for a few more songs, taking breaks to go to the bar in between, getting progressively more drunk.

They entered the dance floor once again but with drinks in hand, occasionally taking sips as they danced, being cautious to not spill anything.

"How did you find this place?" Natasha slurred.

"I can't remember, I might've been on a mission I'm not sure!"

"I want you to know..." she slurred "I love you!"

"I love you too Nat!"

Their smiles sparkled with the lighting. The rest of the crowd had disappeared to them and nothing else mattered. Natasha kissed her but then continued to kiss down the brunette's neck.

Y/n laughed at how Natasha was, kissing her on the cheek.

It was incredibly late but they didn't care, and by the looks of it, neither did the rest of the club. Nothing seemed to die down and everything stayed as energetic as it was when it started.

"You look so hot in that dress, you need to wear it more" Y/n whispered in Nat's ear.

"I could say the same about you."

Natasha had one arm held on the back of Stygian's neck and the other hand was holding her drink. Y/n had her arm just slightly higher than the Russian's ribcage and the other hand was also holding her drink. They stayed like this for a while until they had both once again finished whatever they were drinking.

Stumbling over to the bar Y/n hiccuped before getting their last drinks.

"You're strongest, please! To finish the night!"

They got what they asked for and made their way over to the couches on the other side of the room.

"Cheers. *hiccup*  To us."  Natasha spoke.

"To us. The best *hiccup* Avengers."

They tapped their glasses and drank. Both instantly felt how strong it was.

"Steve is going to pick *hiccup* us up in half an hour." Y/n spoke slurred, disappointed that the night had to end. However, she knew that if it didn't end, the girls would severely regret it the next day.

"Okay," she said cuddling into the other girl's side.

"But, there's always my stash of alcohol *hiccup* if you wanted to continue when we got back?"

"Definitely. I don't want *hiccup* this night to end"

Forget about what Y/n had thought about them regretting this later, she didn't care at this point.

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