part 37 |flashbacks or future?|

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: Clocks - Coldplay

"See you in a minute," Nat said to the circle of figures around her.

She shrunk, with the rest of the team.

She and Clint were on a jet, with Rhodey, Y/n, and a blue girl.

Getting off the jet, Clint and Nat said goodbye to the other two, telling them to look after themselves, whilst taking Y/n back up onto the jet.

They talked for the entire journey, laughing and smiling. The jet was on autopilot, Clint was sitting on a bench in the main area, whilst Y/n and Nat were messing about, giggling.

The jet had told them they were at their destination, allowing them to get off.

They could see a stone structure in sight but it was quite a walk.

Upon reaching the structure, they climbed until there were no more stairs.

"Welcome." A ghost-like figure said, hovering eerily in the corner. All three took out their weapons, preparing for a fight.

"Natasha, daughter of Ivan. Clint, son of Edith. Y/n, daughter of David. You can consider me a guide, to you and all who seek the soul stone."

"Oh good, you tell us where it is, and turn we'll be on our way," Nat said to the figure.

It moved toward the edge of a cliff and began speaking once again.
"In order to seek the stone, you must lose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul for a soul."

Clint stood more forward than the two girls, allowing him to not notice them exchange knowing glances.


Nat was sitting on a rock, balancing her head on her folded hands. Y/n paced the area with a look that was hard to depict. Clint was throwing rocks trying to find a way to get the stone.

Many minutes were spent like this until they came together. Natasha and Clint spoke for a few seconds whilst Y/n just observed, knowing how this would end, how she would want it to end.

"I'm starting to think we mean different people here, Nat." He looked at her scared.

"I know who it needs to be." Y/n contributed beginning to move.

She immediately began running towards the edge. Clint tried shooting his special arrows and Nat tried to use her widow bites. After everything Y/n had been through, she could sense these coming and managed to dodge them.

"Y/n!" They both shouted.

"Tell the team I love them!"

"Don't do this Y/n! Please! I can't!" Nat shouted, chasing after her.

As they neared the edge, Y/n jumped, flashing a sad smile at Nat.

"Y/n!" Nat screamed, damaging every vocal chord in her body.

When Nat and Clint reached the edge they looked over, seeing the girl's body.

Nat let out the most deafening scream that could ever be made. Tears poured from her eyes uncontrollably.

She woke up. Shaking, crying sweating, unable to function.

"Nat?" Y/n had woken up next to her, in shock at the girl's scream.

Y/n held Nat tight, hoping she'd calm down.

"Darling, you're alright. You're safe and I'm here."

Hearing the words come from Y/n's mouth, caused Nat to cry even more. She tried to convince herself it was a dream but it felt too real.

Nat hugged Y/n tight enough to stop her from breathing. Burying her face into the girl's neck, Nat tried to calm her cries.

Gently stroking Nat's back, the brunette had no idea what was going on. This nightmare had been worse than anything before and she wasn't able to calm down.

The girls spent an hour in that position hoping it would get better. Eventually, Nat pulled back, looking Y/n in the eyes and holding her cheeks.

"Nat? What happened hun?"

"I- You died. We were on this different planet, on- on a mission and Clint was there as well, and there was this figure, he knew my father's name apparently, even though I don't know it. W-we had to collect a stone." Natasha stopped. She wiped the still-flowing tears from her eyes. "It's stupid."

"No please continue."

"The three of us fought, and, you jumped" She buried her face in her hands, giving up on wiping her eyes, as they were flowing more now.

"Oh, darling. It's okay though. It might have felt real but I can promise it's not. I am here, we can go find Clint now if you'd like. And we can see the rest of the team in the morning. You're safe."

"Thank you" the redhead croaked, giving Y/n another hug. "I'm not sure I can sleep now."

"That's okay, you can sleep later. How about we go make some coffee and watch a movie? It's currently 6:45 so it's technically morning."

"That sounds like a good idea" Nat tried to crack a smile.

Interlocking their fingers, they made their way to the kitchen, creating a distraction for Nat so she would not have to think about her nightmare.

The assassin sat on the counter whilst Y/n made their coffee. Whilst it was brewing, Y/n stood in front of Nat. She grabbed both of her hands and stroked them, making sure she was alright and less shaky now.

"Do you want anything to eat?"

"No thank you, I think it's still too early." Nat smiled slightly.

"Okay," Y/n held Nat's chin and pulled her in for a kiss.

She held one of Nat's hands whilst she poured the coffee, then gave one to the girl.

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