part 25|unexpected visit|

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: Run boy run - Woodkid

-a month later-

Wanda had settled in now, the team talked to her more often and she looked slightly happier. Natasha and Y/n had been getting on well although Nat had slowly started to see some minor changes in Y/n.

That morning the brunette woke up to the usual nightmares. They were more prominent in her mind and kept popping up. She threw her legs to the side of the bed hoping to regain control.

She kept thinking about her parents. Whilst she originally couldn't remember much, a lot had come back over time. Their faces were vivid now. She could imagine their shrieks and that's what kept her awake.

Getting up to go train, she left Natasha in bed, fast asleep. The training helped take her emotions out before she did something bad.

Once she had gotten down there, luckily the room was empty. She took her anger out on the punching bag, each punch being an unwanted thought.

Then she went to the weapon area, and she threw knives and shot bullets without ear protection. She felt like if the gunfire was loud enough it would drown out the voices.

Then, she went for a run, but a long one. A one where she ran until her legs couldn't hold her anymore, so, she ended up on a random street that seemed quite busy.

She propped herself up against a brick wall as she tried to get rid of the stars in her view.

The city seemed to spin around her. The birds looked like they were swimming rather than flying, and the people looked like they were leaping everywhere.

She started running again, however. This time she had a destination in mind: one of her old apartments.

Inside it looked exactly how she left it. Not too messy but not spotless. Of course, over time it hadn't been cleaned so it was covered in cobwebs and dust.

She had spent the longest time in this apartment, so it held the most memories. Sitting down on one of the couches she got comfy as she had just run a lot of miles.


At some point, she must have fallen asleep as she woke up to the sound of various footsteps from down the hall. Because she was still half asleep, she used her watch to see how many people were there.

She read about 6 heat traces and they seemed to be heading near.

Quickly grabbing her knife from her pocket, Y/n moved towards the edge of the apartment, out through the window. There was a big enough platform attached to the side of the building for her to sit on, with her legs hanging off it.

Bracing, she listened. They were opening the apartment door, but they weren't being discreet about it. They sounded like they were chasing after someone.

One person spoke.

"Sir, she's not here."

"Well find her! Stop following and bringing me along on false leads!" Another responded.

"We were told she had been seen entering this building and didn't leave! She must be here!"

He made his way over to the window above Y/n.

Unfortunately, she didn't have enough time to move before she had a gun pointed at her head.

'Shit' She thought

"We've caught you now Stygian. Come back in and come home."

Quickly knocking the gun, she tried to stab his hand. He had shot as she tried to move the gun causing her to be shot in the arm. Lucky for Stygian, however, the knife had made its way into the agent's hand, making him drop the gun.

The killer picked up the gun and fired a bullet through the man's skull.

Before any other agents could make their way to the window she ran off.

There had been a few armed guards at the bottom of the building, they tried to fight her and she fought back. But due to her injury, she wasn't at her full potential and got hit quite a few times. so she ran, faster than ever, to try and escape them.

They knew the Avengers had been trying to track Hydra for a long time so she knew that they'd be trying to hide their appearance.

Running through the streets of Manhattan, she dodged the mass gatherings of people, stalls of food, and large dogs, all sorts.

Making turns left right and centre she had gotten lost in an alley. Having a head start, she climbed the building, using pipes and the fences, then the windows.

Ripping some of her clothes she tried to tie the fabric around the wound on her arm. She had no idea if the bullet was still in there or not.

'God, how many of my shirts have been ripped because of this?' Y/n tried to amuse herself.

Once on the roof, she looked to see where the agents were.

Not a single one was in sight.

Anxiety crawled and clawed up her body, taking control. She was desperately in need of a break but knew she'd never get it. Her anxiousness had made her act rationally.

Jumping from the roofs of buildings was the consequence of that. Who did she think she was? Spiderman? If she fell she'd get badly hurt and they'd find her. Not to mention the fact that her body has lost about two litres of blood because of being shot.

Stygian knew she needed to head back to the Tower. It's the only place she'd be safe and could potentially get medical help. It would be better to collapse there than on the street.


She'd made it to the building but was now starting to see stars.

At least she was remotely safe.

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