part 9|the first sparks|

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: pictures of You - the cure

Ever since their day out, the two girls had talked a lot more. Sometimes even going out together.

Today was the day of the party; the first one Tony Stark had held in a long time.

Y/n was sitting at the kitchen island with a large mug of coffee being hugged by her palms.

"Morning y/n!" Steve entered

"You're chirpy. Have u managed to finally find a date for tonight?"

"Full of the insults aren't you," Steve said laughing, taking little offence to what she said, "I haven't but I do enjoy the odd social event. Sam is coming too."

"You should get yourself back on the market Rodgers," she said taking a sip from her mug and waving her arm about, "I'm sure there's plenty of girls willing to take you up."

Steve raised an eyebrow at her, not believing what she was saying.

"Or guys. Swing whichever way, whatever makes you happy."

Steve laughed but didn't say a word.

By this point, it was about midday so y/n knew she would have to start to get ready soon.

"Hey, Jarvis?"

"Yes, Miss y/l/n?"

"Where's Tony?"

"In the lab Miss. You might want to wait as pepper is in there too. They could be a while."

Steve and y/n started laughing, joined by Clint who had walked in as Jarvis was talking.

"That's me not getting an answer then." The brunette said smirking.

"What were you going to ask Tony?" Clint asked, grabbing his mug for some coffee.

"When the party starts. I haven't been informed."

"Probably about 6, I wouldn't ask when it ends though. They seem to never end."

Y/n laughed. "I take it you're not much of a party person yourself then?"

"I wouldn't say I dislike them. You just get used to them after a while."

A little while later she got up to put her mug in the dishwasher, leaving the boys to their casual banter.


She had just stepped out of the shower when she heard a knock at the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's Nat. Can I come in?"

"Yeah, sure, the doors open unlocked."

Natasha walked in not expecting to see y/n only in a towel.

The redhead immediately blushed and looked down.

"I'll come back later."

Natasha turned when y/n spoke.

"Don't be silly, it's fine. What do u need?"

Natasha turned back around and leaned on the wall.

"I need help with what I'm wearing. I can't decide"

"I can help with that. Just give me one sec to put something on."

"Okay," Natasha smiled and walked back off to her room.

A little while later y/n joined her in her room with a hoodie and shorts on. Her hair was still damp and wavy.

Natasha was finding it hard to focus for some reason and she didn't understand why. What was this feeling?

"Right, so it was your outfit you were struggling to decide on?" Y/n said trying to bring Natasha back to earth.

"Right, yes. I've got a few dresses but I like them all."

Natasha walked over to her closet and began filing through them. The brunette followed closely behind her.

Y/n stood incredibly close to Natasha. She pulled out a dress and held it up for a better look.
Natasha still stood in between her closet doors when the brunette had moved away.

"Ooo this is so cute! I might have to steal this."

"Not happening, I also happen to like that dress. Let's not forget who bought it."

"Tony Stark? Let me guess. It was his credit card?"

The redhead showed a guilty but humoured look on her face.

Y/n hastily walked over to her and dragged her over to the bed. Natasha's hand in hers. She sat the flustered girl down and went back to the closet to find more clothes to go with the dress.

She could only imagine what the assassin looked like in this dress for now.

"Don't get too flustered Romanoff, you've still got an entire night ahead of you." Y/n spoke; only moving her head slightly so that her voice was more audible.

"I don't get flustered."

The brunette brought over the extra clothes and laid them on the bed next to her.

"Sure you don't. Keep telling yourself that princess."

Natasha smirked but pretended to look annoyed. She was thoroughly enjoying this, whether she admitted it or not.

"Let's go paint your nails, shall we?"

The redhead groaned but walked over to her desk to do them anyways.

"I'm going to do your hair, I think it'll be easier for you to do your nails."

"Who knew you could be such a softie around others."

Y/n scoffed at the words, almost in disgust.

"I'm not a softie Romanoff. This is purely because I'm bored."

"And it's not because we're friends and you enjoy being around me?" Natasha said pretending to be hurt but she could see right through y/n.

"Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't." Said the brunette flashing a smile at Natasha through the mirror.

The redhead smiled back. It was pure joy. Y/n was mesmerized by her smile as it was such a rare sight. It was so beautiful. So pure.

After a small couple of minutes of pure silence, Natasha spoke up again.

"Do you think people will judge me?" Natasha spoke in a serious tone, looking at the other girl through the mirror on her desk. She looked slightly upset, almost.

Y/n bent down putting her arms around Natasha's waist and her head on her shoulder.

"If they do, I'll kill them. You're amazing inside and out. No one will judge."

By this point, Natasha was a mess. 1. No one had ever said such kind words to her. 2. Y/n had her arms around her waist and her head on her shoulder.

"Thank you. You're a good friend" the redhead spoke in a quiet voice.


Once y/n had finished the redhead's hair, Natasha's nails had dried and now it was y/n's turn to have hers painted.

"Black?" Natasha asked


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