part 4 |so long?|

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: Mount Everest - labyrinth

"A bomb hidden in a news van blasted through the UN building in Vienna. More than 70 people have been injured and at least 12 are dead." Y/n's ears immediately caught on to what the TV was playing in the compound. Once she had processed what was being said her first thought was Natasha.
"...including Wakanda's king T'chaka. Officials have released a video of a suspect, who they've identified as James Buchanan Barnes, aka the Winter Soldier."

"Shit!" Y/n exclaimed knowing hell was to break loose soon. "I have to call Natasha."

She called and anxiously waited, tapping her foot against the floor as she was seated on the couch.

It went through to voicemail.

Her heart beating harder: she called again.

But to no avail.

'Maybe her phone got blown up. But she would have her phone on her? What if she lost it? She might be busy. But over 70 are injured and 12 are dead. They managed to kill the king of Wakanda, what if they got her too? Shit, shit, shit.'

She called a final time praying that this would be the one she answered. Y/n understood they'd had an argument but she'd answer the phone in this circumstance, wouldn't she?

It was no use. It was sent through to voicemail for the third time.

Tears welled in her eyes as she thought of the worst. Immediately she went to get changed to fly to Vienna. She had to go find her.

It was almost like a blessing when she heard her phone ring as she turned to leave. Instantly she ran to pick up her phone and answer the call.

"Nat? Oh my lord, are you okay? Are you injured? I thought you were dead."

"Yeah, I'm alright. Just a little shocked that's all."

"Thank god."

The conversation grew quiet for what felt like ages to the two girls. It had never been this awkward before.

"Are you still at the compound?" Natasha spoke trying to make a brief conversation as she didn't know how to end the call.

"Uh, yeah, I think I'm going to leave soon though. Everyone else seems to have done so. Bar Wanda, she's being kept here..." Y/n muttered.

"You're really not signing it are you?" Natasha spoke again in a shallow voice, " I can't believe it" she whispered.

"Listen, uh, Natasha, I'm gonna go. I... hope you're okay."

"I am, Y/n."

The brunette took the phone from her ear and stared at the screen for a couple of seconds before hanging up. What had happened to them?

Wanda quickly interrupted her train of thought by coming around the corner.

"I don't mean to intrude, but that really didn't sound good. Are you alright? I know something happened in the living room when discussing this whole accords thing after the meeting but I didn't think it would lead to this." Wanda gave Stygian a pitying look.

" either. We did argue the gym after that was pretty bad."

"You're leaving me too?" Wanda half laughed, "I mean I love vis but your company is also greatly needed."

"I'm flattered," y/n smirked. "But I do need to leave. Ross will come after me soon and I can't have him on my tail."

"Yeah, I know. I just hope this all sorts itself out and we can go back to being how we were."

"Me too witchy."

With that Y/n set off to leave, grabbing her bags and packing some of her clothes.


"What's going to happen?" Steve marched towards Everett Ross.

"The same thing that's going to happen to you. Psychological evaluation and extradition."

"This is Everett Ross, deputy task force commander" Sharon introduced.

"What about a lawyer?"

"Lawyer, that's funny. See their weapons are placed in the lock up. Oh, we'll write you a receipt."

" I better not look out the window and see anyone flying around in that."

"You'll be provided with an office instead of a cell. And do me a favour and stay in it."

"I don't intend on going anywhere. "

"For the record, this is what making things worse looks like" Nat joined them remarking Rogers.

"He's alive."



"Secretary Ross wants to get you both prosecuted. Had to give him something" Tony declared.

"I'm not getting that shield back am I?"

"Technically it's the government's property. Wings too." She smirked.

"That's cold," Sam replied.

"Warmer than jail."


"Welcome to your new humble abode," Mason spoke, holding his arms up and spinning around to show the room.

*a/n FYI Mason is the guy in black widow who gets Nat her trailer and stuff.

"Thanks, man, I know it was short notice," Y/n smirked

"Yeah, you're lucky. I think you know the drill anyway. There's your usual kit under the sink and the keys are above the fireplace. Oh and also, please for the love of God don't get the authorities onto me."

"Damn it, you ruined my plans." Y/n joked.

"Right, I'm heading off. Don't get yourself killed Y/n." He smiled.

"We'll see" she smirked back.


She mindlessly watched the TV until some familiar faces caught her attention. Sam and Steve have been arrested after they tried to run off with Bucky.

"What the fuck are they doing? This is like pure chaos." She spoke to herself almost laughing.

She planned to lay low for a couple of weeks but then go back to protecting people the best she could.

She also wondered whether or not Nat would try to reach out again. Part of her hoped she would but couldn't bring herself to make the first move. Y/n couldn't forgive her just yet.

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