part 32|i cant get no satisfaction|

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It had been a long time since Y/n had been on a mission. Well, it had felt like that for her. In reality, it had only been about a month and a half.

Whilst she should've been grateful for the break and the extra time with Nat, Stygian couldn't help but feel agitated.

All her life she had been out on missions weekly, if not even daily at some point in time, but it was different now. Now, she was on the opposite side. Or at least was supposed to be.

She sat in her room most days playing with her knives, not knowing what to do with herself. Often she'd try to split her days up by going to the shooting range or just the normal gym, trying to keep herself busy.

Today was like all the rest. She had been to the kitchen, hung out with the team, and even worked out, but her days still didn't feel right. Something inside her felt trapped. Like she needed to do something about it to finally be set free.

On her bed, her knife flipped repeatedly in her hands, when she decided to try to find her burner phone again.

After a long period of rummaging around her room, she finally came upon it.

Holding it in her hand, she stared at it for a while, debating if this was a good idea. Part of her mind was imagining Natasha's voice telling her not to do it, the other part was thinking about if this was the cure to this agitated feeling.

Unlocking it, she went through the phone, searching for any new tasks.

When no new messages were found, she decided to make the first move.

Are there no more new missions? Surely the streets of America can't be that perfect.

She waited for a while, and although she didn't want to admit it, she did pace the room, hoping for an immediate reply.

Well, hello, Stygian. I thought you were too busy being a superhero to care about petty missions like this.

When she saw the reply, something inside of her lit up. Y/n knew this was bad but didn't care at this point.

Why, I wouldn't call them petty. I find them quite entertaining. Besides, life gets boring quite quickly as a 'superhero'. So tell me, what's in store?

You're in luck, I've got a deal going down on the corner of the one and only 42nd Street. They plan to blend into the crowd. Before they get there the guys with the package are going to be at an abandoned apartment above a bar. I suggest this should be a sniper mission. Good luck.

A sniper mission was nothing new to her, she used to do it all the time in Hydra so she was perfectly trained for it.

Going to get her suit, she pulled out her duffel bag, packing her gun.

She left the compound later in the night, as usual. She had her suit and mask on and just hoped that no one saw. She was being a lot more sloppy with the preparation for this mission, compared to the last one.

She made it to a specific building and climbed the fire escape on the side. Once on the roof, she threw her bag down, took the gun out, and put it on her back with the strap.

The building she was on wasn't far from the apartment with the package. She had to make sure she wouldn't be seen by them or any agents they would have on the street.

Stygian jumped from one roof to another.

"Who do I think I am, spiderman?" She said to herself.

Finally reaching the roof opposite, Stygian set up the gun, lying down, spying through the top of the gun.

She lined the shot up perfectly, making sure her grip on the gun was perfect.

Finally taking the shot, one of the men was dead, she quickly shot the rest of the agents in the room, then slung the gun back over her shoulder.

Because the streets were so crowded in the centre of new york, especially at night, she wouldn't be noticed in her suit.

That's what she thought.

When back on the street, uninstructed by her employer, she wanted to track where the guys taking the package would go.

'Accidentally' bumping into them on the street, Stygian placed a tracker on the main guy and speed walked off.

When the guys turned around, they immediately knew it was her, starting to chase after her.

She stuck her middle finger up at them and ran off, hoping to outrun them.

When she had turned a few corners they had eventually gotten lost, so she climbed a building to get out of their sight.

All men looked like they had given up so walked off, thankfully.

She sat down on the roof, took out her phone, and messaged her employer again.

I'm going to get the package, I'll let you know where I've put it.

She put the phone back in her suit and made her way back to the apartment. When she got there she had to kick a few bodies out of the way before she could get to the package.

Something about it felt off. The energy didn't feel right and so she quickly left, returning to the original place, before she started shooting.

She aimed the gun back into the room, through the broken glass, and shot the package.

Never in her life will she ever doubt her gut feeling again.

When the bullet had reached the 'package' it blew up.

She would be ashes if she hadn't trusted her instinct.

She was furious. Not only had she been set up, but the chance of this employer she had worked for working for Hydra or any of her other enemies was incredibly high.

In fact, she was so furious, she had taken her anger out on a complete stranger.

Yes, this would make her a bad person, but nothing new, right?

The guy was dead, she knew that but continued to stab him anyways, something in her had changed. The energy inside of her had completely changed.

She was covered in blood, it was all over her face and suit. This time, rather than putting her signature knife through the centre of the victim's head, she put it through the side.

She couldn't feel her arms at all, but she could feel something else.

The evil grin growing on her face.

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