part 41 |the set up|

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: Alright - supergrass

Y/n woke up a little while before Nat, cuddling into her more. She was tired but struggled to sleep once she was awake.

Nat woke quite quickly after, groaning because of the light shining through the blinds, quickly pulling the duvet over her.

"Good morning darling," Y/n laughed, stretching.

"Morning," Nat groaned, still tired.

Nat was the type of person to hate mornings until she had gotten ready. Then she is ready for the day within seconds and can get into her routine.

"How are you feeling?" Nat laughed

"Fine, thank you, do you feel a year older?"

Nat smiled, "Nope."

"Let's go brush our teeth and then I can give you your birthday kiss," Y/n smiled, getting out of bed.

"We should probably put some clothes on too." She grinned.

"Why, do you not like the view?" Y/n joked, walking off to pick up some shirts for them both.


"What do you want for breakfast, hun?" Y/n asked, getting ready.

"I really fancy pancakes, I'm sure the kids would like them too."

"Which ones? We already work with a ton." She joked.

Nat laughed and walked over to her.

"Thank you. For everything. Seriously. I love you." She said hugging the brunette.

"I love you too Nat," she said, kissing her, "first kiss of the day, already. This will be brilliant. Also!" She spoke pulling out something that was wrapped up.

"Oh, Y/n you know you didn't have to right?"

"I really wanted to. Say what you want but I love being able to give people gifts so I tried to find the best thing."

After opening the smaller package, with the jewellery inside, Nat's heart melted.

"These are beautiful..." She was at a loss for words. Instead of speaking, she immediately put on the earrings and rings and went over to the mirror.

"You look beautiful." Y/n smiled, seeing Natasha's glossy eyes.

When she'd opened the dress because Y/n was so nervous she went into apology mode.

"If you don't like it that's fine I brought a dress you already had just in case-"

"Y/n, I love it. It's beautiful. I can't wait to wear it tonight. But I do have one question," she smirked, "is it so you can take it off me later?"

"You read my mind," Y/n grinned.
"Come on then these pancakes aren't going to cook themselves, we have a lot to make."


"Hey, guys," They greeted the few people who were in the lounge already awake.

"That jewellery Nat, it's beautiful, did Y/n get you them?" Maria asked, drinking her mug of coffee.

"Yeah, she got me a dress too, but that's a surprise for tonight." She smirked and Maria laughed.


As the pile of pancakes grew, more of the Avengers arrived in the dining room and lounge.

Shortly after finishing, the kids came down.

"Auntie Nat!" They shouted, running up to hug her.

"Hey!" She said lifting Lila onto her hip and ruffling Cooper's hair.

"Happy birthday," they said to her and Lila gave her a drawing.

Gratefully, Nat took it with great joy. Lila had drawn her with the other six Avengers.

"Oh! This is brilliant!" Nat smiled, genuinely impressed, "this is going in my room when I get back, for sure."

Y/n adored how Nat treated the kids, watching every move she made with a smile.

"We made pancakes if you want some?" Nat smiled.


Everyone took some food, joining in with casual conversations.

"So..." Y/n leaned on the bench, facing Nat, "you going to do the plan today?"

"I'm down to do it, as long as it doesn't upset her,"


Everyone was outside, Laura was with Clint, Bruce, Tony, Maria and Rhodey were laughing, whilst Thor and Y/n were playing with the kids.

Nat managed to get Wanda away from the group, taking her back inside the house for a second.

Y/n walked over to Vision, leaving Thor with the kids.

"Hey, vision? Wanda was wanting to talk to you over in the garage, I just thought to tell you."

"Ah, thank you miss Y/n. I shall go see her now."

"Seriously just call me Y/n, you don't have to be so formal," she laughed.

Nat had said the same to Wanda, making her head to the garage.

"Vision?" Wanda asked, entering the garage.

Vision turned around to look at her, smiling.

"Wanda, Y/n told me that you wanted to talk to me here?"

Immediately, Wanda connected the dots and realised they had been set up.

"Funny... Nat told me the same thing."

"Well, that's confusing. But, since you're here, I have something to confess."

'What?' Wanda thought

"Go on?"

"Recently, I think I've been feeling something. Something that seems popular among humans, especially Natasha and Y/n. Whilst I'm still not 100% capable of feeling all human emotions, I strongly feel this one. They call it love. Wanda, I love you."

"You do?" To say Wanda was shocked would be an understatement.


She walked towards Vision and immediately hugged him.

"I love you too. It feels right being around you. Like it was meant to be."

From afar Nat and Y/n were watching closely, hoping their plan had worked, when they saw the two kiss they ran off smirking.

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