part 5 |unnecessary fighting? count me in|

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: Time of the season - the zombies

It had been two days before Y/n got a knock at her door.

Leaving the TV playing, she grabbed the gun closest to her and slowly walked towards the door.

Trying to sense who was out there she paused in front of it.

"Oh shit, witchy? Katniss?"

For a final time, she used her watch to make sure this wasn't a trap and there was no one around the apartment.

Still pointing the gun she opened the door.

"Took your time," Wanda smirked.

"Had to be sure," y/n replied, "Now I'd say it's a pleasure to see you but this can't be a good thing, what's happened?"

"I take it you're not signing the accords so this is an offer to join Cap's team," Clint spoke.

"What's he fucked up this time," she joked walking back into the apartment and grabbing her duffel bag full of weapons and her suit.

"Well turns out the winter soldier isn't a terrorist and just bucky being controlled. And we need to go save his ass from being killed."

"Ah right. And whereabouts are we going?"

"Germany by the looks of it."

"Even better. Jet lagged and fighting our friends." She joked

"You don't have to but it would make a huge difference. We might also get arrested in the process but we'll just have to make sure we win." Clint smirked.

"Yeah well, I wasn't going to retire if that's what they're thinking," Y/n responded.

"Come on we've got one more stop."


"Oh my god, I get to meet you too! You're Stygian!" Scott entered the back of the van to meet Y/n, holding out his hand to greet her.

"Y/n," she smirked and shook his hand.

"I've always found you so cool ever since I saw you with the Avengers. I love the swords as well," He fangirled.

Y/n just laughed and said her thanks.

At the start of their journey, he asked her about all sorts of things about her life until eventually they got too tired to function.


Their van pulled up into the car park next to a blue car with Steve, Bucky, and Sam in it.

"Cap," Clint walked towards him.

"You know I wouldn't have called if I had another choice."

"Hey man you're doing me a favour. Besides I owe her a debt," He nodded towards Wanda.

"Thanks for having my back"

"It was time to get off my ass."

"What about our other recruits?"

"They're raring to go," Clint spoke opening the van to reveal Scott and Y/n slept strewn across the seats and floor.

"Had to put a little coffee in them but they should be good to go."

Scott immediately rose stumbling his way off the seat. As for Stygian she groaned and pulled herself out of the van.

"What timezone is this?" Scott squinted at the light.

"I don't know but wake me up in five more minutes...please." y/n begged.

"Come on," Clint laughed pushing them both out of the way of the door.

"Captain America," Scott shook Steve's hand aggressively

"Mr lang."

"It's an honor. I'm shaking your hand too long. Wow. This is awesome." He turned round to say to the other three. "I know you too you're great!" He also said to Wanda.

Y/n turned a bit to see her smile. She walked over to the witch and put her arm around her, pulling her in for a side hug briefly.

"Hey guys," y/n waved at Sam and Steve.
"Long time no see James,"

He stared at her and knew her. He knew her from Hydra, one of his training partners. He gave a small smile and lifted his two fingers from the car roof to wave.

"Jeez, look I know you know a lot of super people too, thanks for thinking of me." He spoke feeling Captain America's muscles. Steve laughed.
"Hey man"

"What's up tic-tac."

"Good to see you. Look, what happened last time was a-"

"It was a great audition but it'll never happen again."

"Did he tell you what we're up against?" Steve questioned Scott.

"Tony, Natasha..." Y/n spoke, "Vision, and I'm going to take a guess and say Rhodey. "

"What? I was told something about psycho assassins."

"We're outside the law on this one. So, if you come with us, you're a wanted man."

"Nothing new for me," Y/n smirked, hauling her ridiculously oversized bag of weapons over her shoulder.

"Me neither. Done it before and I can do it again. Probably shouldn't though. That's bad, right? That I don't care?"

"Too late now man, I'm not driving you back home." Y/n patted him on the shoulder.

"We should get moving," bucky spoke

"I've got a chopper lined up."

"This is an emergency announcement," the tannoy spoke in the carpark, "all passengers, please leave the airport immediately."

"They're evacuating the airport."



"Fucks sake," y/n mumbled under her breath.

"Suit up."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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