part 14|visit to the boss|

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: Talk Tonight - Oasis

-a month later-

A thundering sound echoed around the training room as Natasha had been pinned to the floor.

"Well isn't this a pleasant sight?" Stygian said with a smirk.

"In your dreams," Natasha said trying to untangle herself from the woman on top of her. She didn't want to, but she'd lose the fight. otherwise.

"Nice try," she said continuing to have a firm grip on the assassin's arms. She moved her face closer, almost closing the gap between them. Slowly moving to Natasha's ear she whispered slowly: "Wouldn't want you to get the upper hand, would I?"

That caused Natasha to become fully red. She couldn't think straight. Her brain was moving too fast to process what had happened. She was hard-core crushing over a person who didn't like her back.

"Well this was fun but I've got to go race Steve. Talk to you later?"

"Y-yeah, talk to you later," Natasha said still frozen on the floor, staring at the ceiling.

The door to the gym closed, leaving Natasha to her thoughts and feelings. She was conflicted. Did Y/n like her back or not? She knew they were flirty with each other but this felt different from how it started.

Whatever it was, she hoped to find out soon because it was driving her insane.


"So how's it going with Natasha? Have you told her yet?" Steve questioned as he paced his run with y/n.

"I was going to when she came back from the mission but I freaked out. I don't know just something about it is terrifying."

"Do u know what that something is?"

y/n sighed, "Not really, it's just confusing me."

"Well when you figure it out, come tell me about it."

"Will do Rodgers," she said with a sarcastic smirk.
"Oh also I wanted to know, do you think I'll be able to go on missions soon?"

"I hope so, but I'm not in charge, you should ask the director."



She knocked on the door of his office, filled with nerves.

"Come in." Replied a low voice.

As y/n walked in she saw agent hill in the corner. She looked like they were having a conversation before they got interrupted.

"Oh sorry I didn't realise I was Interrupting something, I'll come back later," she said desperately trying to get out of the uncomfortable situation.

"No y/n it's fine," the director said.

'Damn first named' y/n thought.

"What is it that you need?"

"I was wondering, when can I go on missions?"

"I've been thinking, as long as the next one isn't too big you can go. It's about time you assisted the team."

Her face lit up at the fact she could start soon, almost causing fury to crack a small smile.

"Thank you, director! It means a lot and I promise I'll try my best."

"It's okay, was there anything else?"

"Nope! Thank you"


Y/n was cooking in the kitchen, creating one of her favourite meals, curry. Since there was a smell of food in the air, a lot of the Avengers had summoned into the kitchen.

"What are you cooking lady y/n?" Thor questioned from across the counter.

"Curry. Do you boys like it spicy?"

"Yes! I wouldn't have it any other way." Tony said as he walked into the room.

"Good cause it might burn your mouth off, that's how I like it."

"I doubt your tolerance is that good. I bet it's not even that spicy."

When Clint started to throw his drumsticks in the air. Y/n quickly picked up a knife and threw it towards the sticks. Within a matter of seconds, the sticks had been split in half and the girl had turned back around to finish serving.

"Wanna test that tolerance theory?" She called over her shoulder to the baffled archer in the corner.

"My drumsticks!"

"I'm sure they'll be fine, just take them to Bruce for some crutches," Y/n smirked and she plated the dish on 7 different plates.
"Bon appetit," she sarcastically said.

After a minute she walked off to Natasha's room to call her for her meal.

"Nat? I've made dinner if you want some?"

"Thanks, I'll be right out."

Within seconds, Natasha joined Y/n in the hallway, and they walked to the kitchen together. Something had happened because there was silence. Whilst it wasn't fully uncomfortable, it wasn't normal either.

"I have some news," the brunette spoke to break the silence between them two.


"Fury says I'm allowed to go on missions now as long as they're not major."

"That's amazing! Did you just find out before?"

"Yeah, I went to his office. He's terrifying to be truly honest."

"You'll get used to it," Natasha laughed.

"Y/n is trying to kill us I swear!" The two girls heard from the kitchen, as it echoed through the corridors.

Thor had a jug of water next to him as he was profusely sweating. Clint was on the floor; Tony was under the tap.

"Now look who can't tolerate it." The brunette spoke laughing.

"I must admit that is quite spicy y/n!" Said, Steve who continued to eat normally.


For the rest of the meal they sat, using their ways to cope with the spice. Natasha seemed to love it and had barely taken notice of the heat.

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A/n this chapter is terrible I'm sorry

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