part 2 |the deal breaker|

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: don't let me be misunderstood- nina simone

The news was playing through the TV of the compound's lounge as Steve attentively watched.

After hearing enough he paused the programme, however, he still heard it faintly in the background.

Following the sound, it led him to wandas room. He watched her observe the horrific things they were calling her on the TV, tears welling in her eyes.

Pausing it as well, he felt sorry for the girl.

"It's my fault," she spoke still staring at the now-blank screen.

"It's not your fault."

"Turn the TV back on. They're being very specific," she said only now turning to look at him.

"I should've clocked that bomb vest long before you'd have to deal with it." He said starting to move towards her to sit on the bed. "Rumlow said Bucky and all of a sudden I was a 16-year-old kid again, in Brooklyn. And people died. It's on me"

"It's on the both of us."

"This job, we try to save as many people as we can. Sometimes it doesn't mean everybody. But if we can't find a way to live with that, next time, maybe nobody gets saved."

Suddenly, Vision floated through the wall scaring both Wanda and Steve.

"Vis! We talked about this."

"Yes, but the door was open so I assumed that... Captain Rodgers wished to know when Mr stark was arriving."

"Thank you, we'll be right down."

"I'll...use the door. Oh, and he's brought a guest."

"We know who it is?"

"The secretary of state."

Wanda looked at Vision in horror as she knew nothing good was heading her way.


Natasha and Y/n were both in the redhead's room and sat on the bed. Y/n was sat at the end, her head resting on her knuckles under her chin. Natasha was sat cross-legged against the headboard, staring towards the door.

Both girls have been in silence ever since coming back from the mission. They knew the team had messed up. It had been a messy mission overall.

Natasha had gotten a text from Tony saying he was bringing the secretary; hell was about to break loose. That's what Natasha had expected.

"Y/n, Tony said he is bringing the secretary back with him."

Y/n looked up at her, fear deathly prominent in her eyes.

"Shit. This can't be good."

Knocking on the door, vision entered.

"They're here Miss Romanoff and Miss Stygian."

"Thanks, Vision we'll be down soon."

After he had left, Natasha got up and walked over to where Y/n was, holding out her hand.

Taking it, Y/n stood up, anticipating the horrors she was about to experience.

Pleasantly surprised,  she was drafted into a hug by the assassin. Her body was tightly gripped in the arms of the older person.

The brunette sighed thankful for the comfort and reciprocated the hug. She gently placed a kiss on the side of Natasha's head.

"Thank you, Nat."


"Oh, five years ago I had a heart attack. I dropped right in the middle of my backswing." Secretary Ross groaned. "Turned out it was the best round of my life because, after 13 hours of surgery and a triple bypass, I found something, 40 years in the army never taught me, perspective. The world owes the Avengers an unplayable debt. You have fought to protect us and risked your lives. But while a great many people see you as heroes, some would prefer the word vigilantes."

"And what word would you use Mr secretary?" Nat smirked

"How bout dangerous?" He retorted

Y/n tutted and sat up in her seat.

"What would you call a group of us-based enhanced individuals who routinely ignore sovereign borders and inflict their will wherever they choose and who frankly seem unconcerned about what they leave behind."

"I mean I wouldn't say that but you can stick to your small-minded beliefs," y/n rolled her eyes at his ignorance. Natasha glared at her trying to tell her to keep her comments less harsh or obvious.

Ross began to play videos on the screen in front of them of their past fights.

"New York."

Rhodey looked down in embarrassment knowing that Ross had a point.

"Washington DC. Sokovia."  Wanda immediately looked full of sorrow watching her home being destroyed.


"Okay, that's enough," Steve sighed seeing the remorse in Wanda's eyes.

"For the past 4 years, you've operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That's an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate. But I think we have a solution. The sokovia accords." He spoke handing Wanda the book. "Accords approved by 117 countries it states that the avengers shall no longer be a private organisation. Instead they'll operate under the supervision of a united nations panel only when and if that panel deems it necessary."

"The avengers were formed to make the world a safer place. I feel we've done that."

"Tell me captain do you know where thor and banner are right now? If I misplaced a couple of 30 megaton nukes you can bet there'd be consequences. Compromise reassurance. That's how the world works."

"Does it though? I mean, do you really think everyone follows that. I mean surely the whole reason the avengers were formed was to take care of those who weren't doing that.  The world needs us. How can we know that if we were to sign this that some big disaster won't just come up and destroy us all. Did you actually look at what happened in new York. There's beings out their coming to attack us that we are no match for. The only advantage we have is time. If we can be prepared then we might have a chance. But how can we do that if we're sat on our asses waiting for a couple of people to decide 'hm maybe now is a good chance to join in after they've already killed half the population'   hm?" Y/n stated staring Ross dead in the eyes with an evil grin.

"I think we'd know when something like that would be about to attack us. We are trying to limit the number of deaths" He responded thinking he knew what he was talking about.

"Funny joke" y/n mumbled crossing her arms.

"Believe me, this is the middle ground."

"So there are contingencies" Rhodey stated.

"3 days from now the UN meets in Vienna to ratify this. Talk it over." He said beginning to walk away.

"And if we come to a decision you don't like?" Nat smirked once again.

"Then you retire."

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