part 33|from panic to hidden pop tarts|

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: This is the time - Unloved

Stygian had dumped the guy's body, heading back to the compound. She had to stay off the streets because of her current state. She couldn't kill another innocent person nor could she show the world that she was covered in blood.

'God. How will Nat react.'

When getting there, she took the stairs, doing anything to hide her presence from the rest of the people there.

She quickly rushed to her room, trying to be as quiet as possible.

Stygian rushed into the shower, rinsing her suit and mask along with herself.

What she had failed to notice on her entrance to the compound, was Clint, standing in the kitchen with a glass of water.

She quickly rushed from the staircase to her room, not paying attention to him.

He stood speechless.

Not once in his lifetime had he seen that much blood on one person.

'What on earth had she been doing? Is she alright? Is she hurt? God, did she kill someone?'

He had a lot of questions, but he seemed to pick up on the fact that he might not get answers. He wanted to tell people but seemed to know that he needed answers first.


Finally, after sorting herself out, she began unpacking her bag, placing the gun back. Taking the phone back, she would have to now track where the messages were coming from.

Using a basic set up she tried her best to get as much information from the contact as possible.

She had known the place where the messages were being sent from. The only problem was, she'd know he'd be waiting for her. It would be incredibly risky. So risky, for that matter, that she didn't know if she wanted to actually do it or not.

This person knew a lot about her.

It was dangerous.

Moving on, she tried to link the tracker she had placed on the other man. Maybe he would lead her to them and give her information.

To her disappointment, the men must have found the tracker and destroyed it, because she wasn't presented with any information about where they were.

"Fuck." She said slamming her fist into the desk. She closed the laptop and walked around the room, pacing.

"Try sleep. You might not have to interfere. Maybe you'll not feel agitated now and you can just live like how you were. You'll just have to not let it get the better of you and let it lead you out again. They'll catch you. They'll be waiting. It could be fun for the adrenaline. But then they could capture you and take you back to Hyrda." She said to herself over and over whilst pacing.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Let's just not interfere. There'll be no harm there will there. Just stay to your normal Avenger life and not be a psychotic serial killer on the side. Simple."

She got into bed, hoping it could all be forgotten about by the morning.


By the time she had woken up, there was the normal noise from outside her bedroom.

She got changed and did her hair, leaving to go to the kitchen.

When she left her room, Clint walked up to her.

"Morning, Katniss." She said giving him a smirk only for him to roll his eyes. "Hey fossil, mind getting me some juice from the fridge?"

"Sure, your highness anything else I can get you? A bath of pure gold? How about a red carpet?"

Y/n laughed at his silliness.

"Funny. I'm honestly shocked you lot don't call me that, I am better than yous by far anyways."

"Okay, now we'll see about that," Tony said getting up, "What are you without your weapons then, princess?"

"Hm, let's see, trained assassin, master in analysing surroundings, brilliant at combat, awfully flexible," she said the last bit flashing a smirk at Nat who was sitting in the corner, "Oh did I also forget to mention that I'm a super soldier and can is faster than cap?"

The room laughed at her response and Tony looked slightly embarrassed.

"You can kill without weapons then?" He asked shocked

"Of course I can, I am no amateur."

Tony was slightly scared by her response but refused to show it. Instead, he nodded and continued grabbing his breakfast and a green smoothie.

Y/n sat next to Wanda and whispered in her ear.

"I have a plan. Do u know that Thor stashes pop-tarts? When we all split up to carry on with the rest of our day we should try to steal them."

"He'll be furious, you know that? It's his favourite food."

"Exactly why I'm doing it. You in?"

"Sure. Do you plan on eating them after?"

"Oh, that's not the end of the games. When he finds out I'm going to tell him I've hidden them. It'll take forever to find the spot I've planned for them to be in."

"Poor Thor, this sounds funny though," Wanda said laughing.

The group eventually split up to get on with their days when Wanda and Y/n grinned at each other.

They quickly moved to get them and ran off to hide the box.

"He should get up in a few minutes. I have an idea but we need to loop someone else into the plan."


"Why exactly did you plan to do this?" Clint asked from inside the vents.

Y/n and Wanda also sat in there with him.

"Because it'll be fun. Now shush he's waking up."

"How can you- oh I forgot you can 'sense their presence'" Clint said, "you really need to come up with a better name for that you know."

Wanda spoke through her mind, making sure Clint could hear it: "Clint if you don't shut the fuck up it will ruin this so, I ask you with kindness, please shut up." She said with a passive-aggressive smile.

Poor Clint looked scared at Wanda's threat but it had worked as he kept his mouth shut.


Thor opened the cupboards to find his normal morning snack box of Pop-Tarts.

When he realised they were gone he shouted.

"Who has my Pop-Tarts?"

When he got no response he started frantically looking around.

Y/n balanced herself out of the vent with her legs, hanging upside down.

"Ever thought of the possibility that they could be hidden around the compound?" She said.

"Y/n! What did you do with them?" He shouted

She just laughed and crawled back into the vent.

Once he had left to go look for them the two girls got out of the vent and tried to find Thor.

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