part 13|missing you|

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: cigarettes out the Window - tv girl

Y/n was right. She was incredibly bored. It had been three days since Natasha had left and y/n hadn't messaged once. She felt nervous about it for some strange reason. She presumed that it came with feelings towards Natasha.

That was all she could think about. Natasha. She was debating telling her about what happened the night of the party when she came back.

For now, though, she had to entertain herself.

She went to her room and grabbed a cigarette and her headphones; heading to the balcony.

There she sat, smoking, with the occasional hum of a song.

Then Tony came out.

"Hey, I didn't know you smoked"

"Only occasional."


"Someone's a smart arse"

"How else do you think I'm rich," Tony said as he sat next to her.
"Worried for Natasha?"

"She'll handle it. She's managed for years."

"She will. She's strong."

"Why else did you come out here?"

"Nothing else. Just wanted to make sure you're alright."


"I think you might be going on missions soon. Do you want any upgrades for your suit?"

"Can you make me retractable swords?" Y/n laughed at the suggestion.

"Worth a shot, wanna come to the lab later then?"

"Really? Thanks!"

After Tony had left, the girl gathered enough courage to message Natasha.

Hey, you were right, I do get bored without you.

Within minutes Natasha had responded.

I told you!

How's the mission?

Alright actually, nothing major. We should be back home soon.

Soon as in today soon, or this week soon?

By the looks of it today soon.

The brunette couldn't help but beam at the news. She was incredibly happy the other girl was coming back.

Finally. You took your time. How are you feeling?

Tired really, but I still want to hang around with you.

We can watch a movie in my room when you get back if you want.

That would be fun.
What are you doing currently like?

Smoking on the balcony. What about you?

Look up.

Y/n looked up from her phone across the room, to the elevator that just dinged.

Out came Clint and Natasha. Y/n's face lit up and she ran over to them.

"Good to have yous back!" She said pulling them into a hug.

"Good to see you too, y/n," Clint said.

"How did it go?"

"Quite well actually, we're both exhausted though. I'm going to go off to my room. Have fun you two!" Clint smirked at Natasha.

Once he was gone y/n gave Natasha another hug.

"Glad to see you missed me y/n," Natasha said smirking.


It was a little while later; Natasha had greeted the rest of the team and had gotten changed. Y/n was scrolling through her TV looking for things to watch.

The redhead joined her a little while later and sat on the edge of her bed.

"You know what we should watch that I've heard is good? Brooklyn 99." The assassin spoke

"Oooh okay!"

Once the brunette had put it on, she patted the space next to her on the bed. She was resting on the pillows.

"Come rest, you must be exhausted."

"Are you sure?"


The redhead moved so that she was lying down but could still see the TV.

However, she couldn't focus on the series, only on the girl in front of her.

The brunette moved the blanket so it was over the top of Natasha as she looked quite tired.

By the time Natasha was half asleep, she was already cuddled into y/n.

"Hey, Nat?"


Y/n was about to tell Natasha about the night they kissed, but something inside her stopped her from doing so: fear.

She hesitated before she spoke.

"Come here," she said with a faint smile pulling Natasha closer so she could sleep.

Soon later the brunette saw that Natasha was asleep and decided to try to sleep too.


In the middle of the night, the redhead woke up from a nightmare. It was the usual, but she was comforted by the sight of y/n in front of her.

She tucked a strand of brown hair, that had fallen, behind the girl's ear. Reaching for her hand, their fingers interlocked, and the redhead held their intertwined hands close to her chest. This was to reassure her that she wasn't alone; she wasn't back in the red room. However, there was also a part of her that was doing this for another reason. Was it love taking over again?

For a while, Natasha had laid staring at the beautiful girl in front of her. Until y/n woke up.

"Hey..." y/n spoke in a raspy voice with a soft smile of confusion.

Natasha realized her hands were still interlocked with the other girls' and let go.

"No, it's okay... why are you awake?Nightmare?".

"Uh yeah. I kind of just needed reassurance that I wasn't back there I guess..."

"That's okay, whatever helps," Stygian said with a smile, reaching for Natasha's hand again.

The redhead was so glad she had met this woman. She'd never been treated this well.

Pulling the hand of the brunette's gently up to her face, Natasha placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles and began to try to sleep again.

Y/n was in shock. This time she wasn't drunk. But, it could just be out of gratitude. It was so confusing.

Love is confusing.

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