part 48 |what happens now?|

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: What was I made for? - Billie Eilish

"We can't guarantee she's not being controlled by Hydra still. We need to keep her locked up." Fury told Natasha after she had stormed into his office. She had never done this before so Fury was shocked.

"Look at her Nick does she look like she's being controlled? She looks scared she looks weak, innocent, and helpless. We can't lock her up because it will frighten her" Natasha raised her voice, pointing at the security cameras in the cell.

"We can't take any risks."

"How long are you planning to keep her in there." The assassin spoke in a deep and warning tone.

"I don't know. Until we can confirm she hasn't been told to kill us."


Y/n was still asleep, for now.

Her body shook, and her skin was deathly pale. Nightmares plagued her sleep, finally causing her to come back to reality.

She jolted awake with a heavy sweat but felt freezing. Panting, desperate for air, she frantically looked around the room to see where she was. She was handcuffed behind her back and chained to the floor.

Still panicking, she rustled the chains trying to figure out what had happened.

Immediately armed guards rushed into the cell, aiming their guns at her.

"Do not move! Don't try anything!" The leader shouted.

"Let me out!" She shouted at them.

"Stay down or we will shoot!"

Stygian looked furious and her fists tightened, beginning to pull at the chain attaching her to the ground.

"You will not shoot! Under no circumstances will you shoot her!" A voice yelled from down the corridor, however, Y/n was too focused to care.

Still, after being given an order, the guards continued to point their guns at the girl.

Slowly, they got closer to her, until she finally used up all her anger to pull the short metal chain out of the ground.

"Get the fuck away from me! Do not lay a finger on me or you will get killed!"

The cell door quickly opens and closes again, announcing the entrance of someone.

The guards did not move their gaze and neither did Stygian, until the redhead was in view, signalling for the men to move back.

Y/n's face dropped at the sight. She stepped back slowly, scared as to what she might do, but kept a shocked expression on her face.

"Leave." Natasha sternly spoke, turning her head to look at the men. When they didn't move immediately she shot them a death glare.

"Am I back?" She stuttered at the first part.

Nat gave her a weak smile.

"Oh my god, what have I done? They were Shield or something. I've created such a scene. What the hell?" Stygian knelt back down again, looking down and muttering to herself.

Nat knelt afterwards and held the girl's face in her hands.

"It'll be alright, it can be sorted out. For now, though I'm just happy to see you," she spoke gently and pulled her into a hug.

Y/n cried on the girl's shoulder, not hugging Nat back.

When the redhead pulled away she tried to look Y/n in the eyes, but she was looking down as tears rolled fluently.

Gently, Natasha placed the palm of her hand on the brunette's cheek, trying not to scare her.

The familiarity of the warmth of her hand brought stygian comfort.

"In sorry we couldn't come sooner, we couldn't find you." She said reaching for the girl's hand.

"No don't be sorry, you did all you could and it had to happen."

Silence lingered in the room like a rain cloud waiting to pour.

Y/n's thumb lightly stroked Nat's hand, reassuring herself that it was okay.

"I missed you, so much," she laughed but she wanted to cry more.

"It's been so silent in the compound without you," the redhead smiled.

Softly hugging each other, both knew an important question was to come.

"What happens now?" Y/n asked knowing she won't like the answer.

She was silent for a while. The redhead had no idea what was going to happen. She didn't know whether she would have to talk to Fury or whether he still stood by his opinion. He was watching through the security cameras, monitoring her every move.

"I'm not sure. Fury isn't 100% convinced on what to do either."

"It's fine. It's understandable. I mean I was controlled after all." She spoke but her face showed no emotion, it was masking the disappointment and the creeping feeling of claustrophobia that was beginning to take place.

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