part 42 |The party|

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: Come together- the Beatles

Everyone had split off to get ready for the party, Laura and the kids had also left.

"How do I look?" Nat smirked turning around in her dress.

Y/n turned to look and her jaw dropped.

"I- Christ," was all the brunette could say.

Nat laughed at the girl's reaction.

"Oh, we're so doing stuff later." Y/n finally managed to say.

"Yeah, well, the girls are coming to get ready here soon. There's still time for a kiss though?"

Y/n rushed over, immediately pulling Nat into a long kiss.

"You are the most beautiful person ever," Y/n said, still kissing her.

"I could say the same about you. That dress is amazing."

She laughed, thanking her.

Shortly after, Maria and Wanda arrived at their room.

Maria was wearing a short white party dress that had an open back. Wanda was wearing a long emerald green dress that brought out her eye colour.

Unlike the rest of her clothes, Y/n had decided on wearing a navy dress that was quite short and had a slit on the side, with thin straps at the top.

"I think we need music on," Wanda said, already playing it through her phone with a smile.

All girls crammed around one tall mirror doing their makeup, making jokes and laughing.

Y/n walked by Wanda poking her hips, making Wanda shriek.


"What?" She laughed.

Nat was finishing off Maria's hair whilst the other girls finished their makeup.

"Are we ready?"


The ladies make their way downstairs to greet the men.

Outside, Clint had set up the barbecue. There had been fairy lights hung around the outside and inside of the house, including the trees.

"Y/n? Will you come with me to get the cake?" Wanda whispered.

"Yup! Let's go."

The two girls snuck off to the kitchen as Maria brought Nat closer outside.

Y/n laughed. "I can't believe you actually managed to bring this cake, especially on the jet."

"It was a miracle it wasn't destroyed."


The music was blasting and the party had properly begun. Everyone was on their third drink or so making the atmosphere a thousand times better.

Half of the group was in the centre dancing and the rest were talking on the sidelines.

After dancing for quite a while, Y/n sat at the side. She stared at the group her eyes watering slightly.

"Wow." She whispered to herself.

She might've had quite a bit of alcohol in her system but she was still sober enough to spot the beauty of the scene playing out in front of her.

Steve came and sat next to her, smirking.

"What has you shocked?"

She stuttered trying to gather her words. "It still comes as a shock to me sometimes. You know, the whole team having moments like this. It's... beautiful."

Steve smiled at what she had said.

"We're all a bunch of misfits somehow making it work. It is beautiful, you're right."

"I rarely sit back and watch it from this point of view but," she paused, "I should really do it more."

They sat in comfortable silence for a while before they both headed back to the bar.

Y/n made herself a Jack and Coke and poured Steve a cider.

Steve and Y/n were talking and Clint joined them a little later.

As it reached 1 in the morning, most of the Avengers were drunk. Vision and Bruce were the only ones to seem sober.

Wanda was dancing with Vision, Nat was dancing with Y/n, and Tony had forced Rhodey to dance with him but secretly Rhodey had been hoping to show off his dance moves. Steve was with Sam, laughing at the whole concept.

The remaining few people had formed their own group, laughing and playing around.

When the song ended, Tony brought up the idea of a drinking game.

Clint wanted to sit this one out but had the best idea for it.

The idea of the game was to shoot the target. If the person didn't get the arrow directly in the bullseye they would have to take a shot.

"Go! Go! Go!" They chanted as Tony tried to aim, failing miserably. He took the shot like a pro and raised his arms, as if he had won.

Next was Rhodey.

"See Stark, you lack lots of skill. I, however, am very skilled."

He failed, like Tony, and took his shot in shame.

As they went down the line multiple times, the group could no longer function properly.

"I think it's time to sleep." Clint laughed and the others groaned, agreeing.

"Goodnight everyone!" Y/n shrieked, Nat, laughing at her behaviour.


The morning after was incredibly rough. Nat and Y/n were fast asleep cuddled into each other until midday, until they then faced the hangover effects.

The rest of the group had been awake earlier, getting in each other's way.

"Hurry up Stark!" Maria banged on the bathroom door, needing to spew.

Pulling themselves together, they sat in the kitchen, with mugs of coffee or tea in hand, passing a few boxes of paracetamol to each other from across the tables and counters.

"Ugh I can't believe we go back today," Nat groaned.

Y/n was sitting at the kitchen island, mug in hand, face first on the counter, not moving.

She groaned in response to Nat's comment.

The group laughed at her and the state she was in, even though they were rough too.

"Thank you for having us though Clint. Seriously." Nat spoke again, smiling.

"Hey, not me, you should thank Laura."

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