part 35 |caught|

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: rolling in the Deep - Adele

Their usual breakfast gathering happened with everyone crammed in the kitchen trying to make whatever whilst trying to communicate with someone across the room.

The TV was on and the news was playing. Only Tony was paying attention to it, however. The rest of the room was more engaged in something else.

"A gang of criminals were found brutally murdered last night, their killer leaving a note." A newswoman spoke.

Y/n's attention was immediately drawn to the TV. She knew they were referring to her so she decided not to look at the screen.

"Justice is served. That was what was written out in the victims' blood."

"Jesus," Tony spoke.

A few Avengers had turned around at this point, picking up on what Tony was looking at.

In order to blend in, Y/n also turned around, even though she knew exactly what had happened.

"They got punishment I guess. That's still incredibly brutal."

They all agreed but Y/n noticed the knowing stare she was getting from Clint, who was sitting in the corner.

She gave him a stern-looking stare and finished her coffee.

By this point, the news had moved onto a different topic so she announced she was going to get changed.

Stygian had walked down to the gym, preparing for a workout. She was also preparing for Clint to come downstairs. She had gathered that he was suspicious of her so she knew she'd be bombarded with questions.

Taking her normal amount of anger out on a punching bag, the door opened.

Just as she expected, Clint.

"Up for a match, Y/n?"


He made his way onto the mat getting ready into the position to fight.

"Eager to get your arse beat?"

"You could put it that way, or, in my case, you could refer to it as a distraction."

"From the questions, you're about to bombard me with?" She said throwing the first punch.

He dodged the punch and threw one back.
"Was that you last night?"

Dodging it, she swiped his legs, making him fall.
"What makes you say that?"

He got up and started repeatedly trying to punch her. She took one to make him feel confident but dodged the rest. She punched him in the face and kicked him in the stomach.

"Maybe the fact that they left a note." He groaned.

"Really? That's what makes you think it would be me. Weak evidence Barton, that wouldn't pass in court."

"You know what would?"


"Security camera proof of you coming back covered in blood two nights in a row."

She tried to hide her shock as best as she could. To distract him from her emotions she punched him and kicked the back of his legs, knocking him to the floor. She kept her foot on him, keeping him down.

"So you were spying? Sneaky Barton, I like it."

"I wouldn't call it spying. More so accidentally witnessing it. I only wanted a glass of water, not to be blessed with the most blood I've ever seen on one person ever before."

Stygian put her foot on his cheek, pressing his face to the floor. Leaning in, she spoke again.

"And what are you going to do with this information Clint?" She stared at him, a small grin growing on her face.

"Depends. Do you intend to become a full-time serial killer?"

"It's merely a hobby, don't think that I'd make it my full-time job." She said smirking, taking her foot off him.

"A hobby, eh?"

"Your girl gets bored once in a while. Life up here isn't always entertaining. Besides, they're bad people anyways, surely that means I'm in the right?" She spoke as she punched the punching bags.

"I think you need to redefine the difference between good and bad in your mind."

Stygian huffed and continued to punch the bag, each hit getting progressively harder.

"We can't have someone on our team who secretly goes off and kills people Y/n."

"Who else have you told?" She questioned, staring straight at the bag, continuously hitting it.

"Are you listening to what I'm saying? You'll no longer be with us if you continue like this."

"Who else have you told?" She raised her voice.

"No one yet. Not even Nat."

She stopped.


Her name rang through her head.

Nat knew nothing. Y/n had been running off and spending less time with her.

Was it really a nightmare last night or did Nat just miss her?

Her heart partially shattered at the thought of that.

Nat hadn't spoken to her about her running off and instead had lied to try to get the girl's affection back.

Clint had begun speaking again but Y/n's mind was occupied with questions.

"Y/n if you don't stop, you'll not be able to see us again. You'll be locked away forever."

She threw one strong punch at the bag, causing it to fly across the room.

"Fuck." Stygian spoke, beginning to walk off.

She had let that part of her take over and now the consequences had caught up to her.

malignant (Natasha X Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ