part 12|exposed secret|

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: silver soul - beach house

Natasha did not, in fact, remember what happened the night before.

When Natasha woke up, she realized she wasn't alone. She was cuddled up to y/n. In her room. In her bed.
Though, Natasha made no effort to move. She didn't mind this. It felt right. She moved closer to y/n enjoying it, resting her head on the girl's chest.

A while later, y/n woke up. She saw the girl cuddled next to her and she couldn't help but feel in love. The only thing stopping her from this, was the thought of Natasha not remembering. After a few minutes, she decided to get up and go to the kitchen.

There she was greeted by Steve.

"Morning, Rodgers. Sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you. Don't feel so good this morning, however."

Y/n laughed and took some paracetamol out.

"For Natasha?"

"You guessed it. This morning might be rough for her considering how much she drank," she laughed.

"Bet she won't remember any of it. Shame for you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She looked at him in confusion.

Steve got up from the table and walked over to her, leaning on the counter.

"I might have come to check on yous this morning to make sure everything was okay and I saw yous asleep together."

She choked on her water, "Creep" y/n half-joked, getting the things for Natasha.

"I didn't know you liked her."

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Rodgers." She smirked.

He looked at her with a concerned look, which made her realize the mistake she had made.

Returning to the previous conversation topic she cleared her throat.

"We kissed."

"What?" Steve raised his voice.

"Shhhhh! Don't wake everyone up."

"She held my hand when we were sat on the couch too. Does she like me?"

"Well by the sounds of it yes. She is always smiling around you, she's like a different person. It's nice to see her be happy."

"She won't remember though, she was drunk. She probably didn't mean it. Also, you cannot tell anyone this, Rodgers. I'll have to kill you if you do."

"I won't. But, hey, you should ask her about it. She clearly likes you if she's done that. So, as maybe the world's leading authority on waiting too long, don't." He said with a smile


With that, she walked off with a glass of water and some paracetamol for Natasha. She really hoped that the other girl remembered.

Natasha was halfway slumped on the backboard of the bed. She had her hair all over her face and looked quite ill.

"Hey," Y/n spoke in a soft voice, making her way over to the nightstand.

"Morning," Natasha groaned.

"You alright?" The brunette spoke, moving the other girl's hair out of her face; sitting down on the end of the bed.

"I feel like shit."

"Here have this paracetamol."

"Thank you, I haven't been this Hungover in ages. What did I have?"

"You had some of Thor's Asgardian stuff out of my glass."

Natasha raised her eyebrow at the last part of that sentence.

"I can't remember anything from last night. I remember stuff until we left the bar, that's when my memory gets hazy."

Y/n tried her best to hide the disappointment on her face.

"Did I do anything stupid?"



"Are you prone to doing stupid things when you're drunk?"

"Not necessarily, just wanted to make sure though. You're wearing my T-shirt," Natasha pointed out, slightly confused.

"You said I could borrow it. I was going to go get changed though so-"

"No, it's okay you can keep it. I've got plenty. Besides, It looks good on you."

Y/n smiled remembering that she had said the same thing last night.

"Thank you"


Later on in the day, Natasha entered the living room, leaving her room for the first time that day.

Sam, Steve, Thor, y/n, Clint and Bruce were there. It was a rare sight seeing Bruce out of his lab but was a nice surprise.

They were all gathered around the TV on the couches, watching some nineties movie.

"Hey, guys," Natasha spoke as she walked in, curiously staring at the screen.

They all said hello back however Steve kept talking.

"Hey, Natasha. Have a fun night?"

Y/n slapped his arm and gave him a slightly humoured but angry look.

Natasha was confused but decided to shake it off.

"Can't remember it, Rodgers. But what I do know, is that I will find out what you are hiding."

"Now look what you've done" the brunette grumbled at Steve, looking down in embarrassment.

"Is this pulp fiction you're watching?" Natasha asked

"Yup. I love it." Sam spoke


A few days later Natasha knocked on y/n's door.


"Can I come in?"

"Oh yeah sure," y/n said opening the door.

"I've just had a meeting with fury. Clint and I need to go on a mission."

"Okay, when?"

"Tomorrow, I came to tell you so you'd know," she said with a smile

"Do you know how long you'll be?"

"Not sure, but it shouldn't be too long. Here's my main number, if you get lonely."

"Oooh look at that. Is the black widow giving me her number? I feel honoured."

"I can take it back?" She said with a smirk pulling away her phone and raising it in the air.

"No no ill take it. Who knows I might be bored one day and feel like bothering you."


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