00 ♡ prologue

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You were four years old when it happened.

As far back as you could remember, you'd lived in an orphanage. You'd never met your real parents, nor did it seem like they had any intention of coming to get you, just based on how your caretakers would act. They tried to convince you that your parents must have had their reasons; that they might not have been in the right place to take care of you, but it served as little reassurance. You felt unwanted, unloved. You wondered what you could have possibly done that your own parents wouldn't want to be with you-why all of these children were missing their families. You didn't understand, but it felt unfair. For whatever reason, you were undesirable. At least, that's the way you felt.

On a rather uneventful day, you were out on the playground with some of the other kids from the orphanage. They were all playing together, but you were off by the sandpit on your own, fiddling with the outfit on your doll. At some point a cluster of them had broken off, and one of the boys came right up to you, grinned, and snatched the doll straight out of your hands.

You frowned at him. "Give it back."

"Nuh uh," he jeered. "You're always so boring, [Name]. You never play with the rest of us."

"I'm not in the mood to play right now. Can you please give me my doll back?"

"What's so fun about these dolls anyways?" The boy squinted at the toy in his hands, and without wasting a beat, popped one of the doll's legs clean off. "Whoa!" he cried out. "They break so easily!"

You felt like you should be bursting into tears, but oddly enough, the tears didn't come. You were eerily composed, a sense of calm washing over you. Something was telling you there was no reason to get worked up. You felt your chest growing warm, and your eyes began to glow a faint, pink shade. You stepped up to the boy and grabbed him by the wrist.

"You ruined my doll," you said. "Apologize."

"Huh-?" He stared back at you, dubious, and something akin to realization overtook his expression. He began to grow red in the cheeks, his breaths became irregular, and he swayed unsteadily on his own two feet. The boy stared down at the doll and its now missing leg in shock, as if he couldn't believe what he'd just done. "I-I'm so sorry!" he spluttered. "I didn't mean to... [Name]. I'm really, really sorry!"

You'd never seen the boy act like this before. He was always up to some sort of mischief, and it wasn't uncommon for him to go around teasing the other girls. You glanced down to where your fingers were laced around his wrist. You tightened your grip, watching the way his blush only deepened.

"I want a new doll," you told him.

"Of course! I'm so sorry... I'll tell the supervisors what happened and get you a new one right away, I promise!"

Even his accomplices seemed to be confused. "Dude, why are you apologizing to her? She thinks she's so much better than everyone else!"

"She thinks she's too good to play with the rest of us!"

You pulled away from the first boy and stared at the other two. Still hesitant, you reached over and placed a hand on each of their shoulders. You felt something rushing or pulsing through your body. The air felt like it tasted richer, sweeter. And this time you were sure of it-the moment your hand made contact with their bodies, each of the boys grew red in the face and started rocking on their feet as if they were drunk.

"Apologize," you ordered again.

"We're sorry, [Name]!"

"So sorry..."

You took a step back and marveled at what had just happened. All three of them were staring at you with flushed, puffy cheeks, as if they were awaiting your next command. Your small limbs were practically oozing with power. You were sure that this must have been what everyone was always talking about-the birth of your Quirk.

"You guys can leave me alone now," you said, crouching back down inside the sandpit. "Please make sure I get a new doll and tell the supervisors that you were the reason it broke in the first place."

They nodded their heads furiously, already rushing over to confess their wrongdoings. You hugged your knees to your chest and inhaled shakily. You didn't know exactly what kind of power it was, but the feeling of others being so helpless before you... it was oddly exhilarating.


You explained to the caretakers the gist of what had happened, and they began speculating as to what type of power you had. It was worth noting that while some became more interested in you as a result of your newly-developed Quirk, others were a bit more apprehensive after finding out what had happened to the three boys. The teachers and caretakers instructed you not to use your Quirk on others needlessly, since you presumably had a power that could control people.

Of course, you didn't listen.

The next couple of weeks cleared up some questions you had about your Quirk. To be more exact, you weren't consciously using it. It was a difficult power to control, and you would find that it activated on its own without your awareness. It became evident that your Quirk didn't simply enable you to control others; there were other aspects to it that you were struggling to grasp. You were too young and naive to make sense of it all, but the one thing that was seemingly apparent was that your powers relied on attracting others to you.

You'd been rather quiet and reserved for the majority of your stay at the orphanage, but now the others flocked to you like birds. The boys especially seemed most susceptible to your powers. They would follow you around for near hours at a time, even going so far as to give you presents that you hadn't even asked for. On some occasions, the caretakers themselves would tilt their heads and smile, saying what a "cute, charming girl" you were, before letting you get away with things that normally wouldn't have been allowed.

At first, you thought you liked your Quirk. You were getting more attention than you ever had, and for the first time, you felt loved and desired. You thought that maybe if you'd been born with this power, your parents might not have abandoned you. All of the boys in the orphanage loved you, all of the girls wanted to be your friends, and they would each go to any lengths to make you happy. You could get anything you wanted. Truly, it was the best possible Quirk.

But this too, was a fleeting feeling. Before long, the attention became overbearing. You could never get away from it all, from the looks of desire and adoration. The friendships you'd developed with the children started to feel less genuine and more fabricated. You felt like they weren't really your friends; that your power was just forcing them to be. These ugly thoughts started to pile on more and more, to the point that you began to resent your Quirk. You couldn't control the power leaving your body, and it felt as if you were living life trying to navigate through a misty pink haze.

Several months passed, and a visitor came to the orphanage.

"I've come to take you in, [Name]."

It was a man with pin-straight black hair and striking red eyes. He introduced himself as Mikael, and declared that he'd already filled out all the required paperwork to adopt you. The orphan children began to cry, lamenting the fact that you would be leaving them. You were both relieved and anxious. Even if you couldn't control your powers, here, at least, you could rest easy knowing that everyone adored you. You'd spent all of your life in the orphanage, and you were a little afraid to leave.

This guy will probably listen to anything I say anyways...

Mikael held you by the hand and led you outside once you'd bid farewell to everyone. He looked down at you, eyes gleaming, a faint smile ghosting across his lips. "I think you'll find that your Quirk will have no effect on me, descendant of Aphrodite."


You stared up at him, confused. He didn't answer your question and instead chuckled to himself.

"Not to worry. I will teach you how to control your Quirk in due time. You've been blessed with a gift, young one. A beautiful power capable of touching the hearts of many."

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