64 ♡ repressed emotions

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You'd officially managed to be accepted to Nighteye's office. Come tomorrow, you would already be starting your first day of work. Even though you wanted to bring up the matter of the Shie Hassaikai directly with Sir Nighteye himself, you needed to be tactful and make sure not to disclose that you knew too much. It would probably come across as suspicious, after all. You were better off quietly gathering information and laying low for a little while.

That being said, you also didn't want to take forever to figure out exactly what was happening. If a little girl really was being hurt, the longer you waited, the more it would extend her suffering. You were going to make full use of your time working under Sir Nighteye and figure out a solution. That was the whole reason Aphrodite had even shared that dream with you in the first place.

Kirishima approached you once you made it back to the dorms. "Hey, [Name]. You and Midoriya sure ran off in a hurry earlier. What happened?"

"We were trying to get accepted for an internship," you explained. "With Sir Nighteye."

"Oh, wow! I've always thought that guy looked pretty cool. So? How did it go?"

"We got in," you beamed, flashing him a thumbs-up. "It's because I'm naturally hilarious."

He chuckled softly. "I guess so...? Although I'm not really sure what that has to do with anything. Either way, I'm happy for you. Everyone was expecting you to intern with Hawks again, though. Did you just feel like trying something different this time?"

"Kind of," you said, pressing your lips together. Hoping that your expression didn't come across as too suspicious, you hurried to smile. "Anyways, what about you? Did you end up finding someplace to do your internship?"

Kirishima's lips split into a toothy grin. "Yep! I'm actually going to work under Fat Gum, the BMI Hero. Fourth Kind wasn't able to accept me this time, so this seemed like a good offer instead. I like how friendly and tough Fat Gum is. He was saying that agencies in his area were in need of good fighters and felt like I was a good fit."

Fat Gum... that name sounds familiar. Oh!

"Are you going to be working alongside Tamaki-kun?" you asked.

"Right, the two of you are friends," Kirishima hummed. "Yeah, Amajiki-senpai will be there too! I'm pretty excited to get to know him better. He seems pretty withdrawn, but I get the sense that he's a good guy, especially since you seem to like him so much. Do you have any advice for how I could get along with him better?"

"He's a sweetheart," you said simply, feeling warmth rise to your cheeks. "You might already be able to tell that he doesn't exactly have the best self-esteem, so I guess I would just say to be patient with him and encourage him as much as you can. You're super nice and friendly though, so I doubt you'll have any trouble doing that. Actually, now that I think about it, you're kind of similar to his best friend, Mirio-kun. Which is why I feel confident that you'll become close in no time."

"Haha. I'm not all that impressive," he chuckled weakly, and for some reason, you felt that his eyes looked a bit downcast just then. Were you just imagining things?

You reached out and patted his hair. The spiked tufts flattened slightly under your touch. It was surprisingly fun to play with.

"It'll be great," you reassured. "You and Tamaki-kun will become friends for sure, and I know that Fat Gum will love you too. Make sure to keep me in the loop, okay? Ooh, and send me pictures of Tamaki-kun in his costume. I really want to see!"

Kirishima blushed, then pouted a bit. "No fair, [Name]. It sounds like you're looking forward to hearing about him more than me."

"What? No way. It's true that I like Tamaki-kun, but I like you too! You're both awesome," you grinned, wrapping him in a hug.

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