24 ♡ boyfriends

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"Damn, your place is huge."

"The novelty fades pretty quickly," you laughed, used to dealing with this sort of reaction by now. Shinsou shrugged in agreement, already looking to have moved on. He'd come over to hang out with you. Why? No reason in particular. After sitting with Katsuki through lunch instead of him, you'd been texting the violet haired boy back and forth after school. You'd had a lovely conversation, which consisted mainly of cat memes-as was usually the case-and you decided why not just hang out after school? Aizawa had announced that final exams were rapidly approaching, and before long you'd be up to your nose in studies. Best to hang out with friends while you still had the chance.

Rui was working today, which was usually great, but she was a little too excitable when it came to you bringing boys over. "Who is that?" she squealed, rushing over to the door. "[Name], is this your boyfriend?!"

Shinsou blushed a bit and you merely laughed. "He's a good friend of mine. Rui, meet Shinsou-kun. Shinsou-kun, meet Rui. She works here from time to time."

"Nice meeting you," he nodded.

"You guys are dating!" she gushed, completely ignoring everything you'd just said. "Don't worry, I'll give you two your space!" And with that she took off to start organizing some other section of the house, skipping along the way.

"How many people work here?" Shinsou asked warily.

"Um, just a few! I think the only other ones in right now are Freja and Mikael, but Mikael's my legal guardian and Freja practically lives here."


If there was one thing you really appreciated about living in such a large house, it's that it made running into people a bit more difficult. Usually, you were happy to be around everyone, but it was nice to have some space to yourself, especially when you had guests over.

"Come on, let me show you my room!" You beamed and led him up the stairs. Unlike the majority of your friends from school, Shinsou wasn't in the same class as you, so you didn't get to see him as often. You texted and talked on the phone a whole bunch, but it was just nice to get a chance to hang out like this.

"Yeah, looks cute," Shinsou smiled. "Pretty much what I expected."

"Hm? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Dunno. I guess I've got your whole aesthetic kind of figured out by now." He took a seat on the bed and admired the rest of the room. "Wow. Not only do you have a TV in your room, but it's massive. And... how many consoles is that?"

"Just a few."

"I think the correct answer is all of them." You pouted in protest, but he was already sliding off the bed to grab one of the controllers. "Hey," he pointed towards one of the cases, "I have this game too. Wanna play me?"

"Sure," you smiled.

He helped you set up and plop pillows onto the ground so that you could sit more comfortably. Shinsou was surprisingly good at video games, especially since you'd never pegged him as the gamer type. Well, he was pretty hard to read in general.

"Stop shooting me!" you cried out, puffing your cheeks out in protest.

Shinsou chuckled. "It's a shooting game, [Name]. That's kind of the point."

"Step on my landmine. C'mon, c'mon-hey, what?! You totally just stepped over it! Why didn't it go off?"

He shot you down for what was probably the twentieth time in a row and proceeded to grin at your indignant expression. Your go-to excuse was that you rarely played this game. Animal Crossing was way better anyways.

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