50 ♡ love you a latte

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[Chicken Lover]


What's your schedule for today looking like?

I was thinking I could drop by and take you and Tokoyami out for a bite to eat


hi, hawks!

since there aren't any classes, i think that should be fine

we've mostly just been training for the provisional license exam anyways

[Chicken Lover]

Yup yup

I figured

Just let the teachers know that I'll be coming around


sounds good!

see you soon :)

Thanks to Mei's equipment, your training had been coming along smoothly. You'd been placing more of an emphasis on close combat than ever. With the improved reach of your voice, you could (in theory) immobilize your opponents from a distance and then get in close to apprehend them. Of course, there was no perfect formula for anything, but you'd been practicing, and things had been going well for the most part.

Meeting up with Hawks would be a welcome reprieve. Hopefully he could even give you a bit of advice before the exam.

Feeling in high spirits, you made your way over towards the faculty lounge to tell your teacher the news.

"Aizawa-sensei," you greeted, poking your head in through the door. As expected, he was curled up on the floor in his trademark yellow sleeping bag. The teachers all had their own quarters on campus-that was the whole point of bringing the students into the dorms so that they could all be under their supervision-but it had become apparent to you that Aizawa's sleeping schedule was a real mess. Practically non-existent, actually. Half the time he ended up falling asleep in the faculty lounge after working late into the night.

You walked over to him and lightly nudged the sleeping bag with your foot. "Aizawa-sensei, are you awake yet? I need to talk to you about something."

He groaned and rolled over onto his other side. You let out a small sigh and plopped down on the floor beside him, ruffling his long, disheveled hair.

"I'm sorry for bothering you, but I need your permission to do something."

Aizawa's charcoal-black eyes opened at this. "Why do I have a feeling that whatever it is, I'm bound to say no?"

"Oh, come on. You haven't even heard what I have to say yet."

"Make it quick. You're disrupting my nap."

"Okay. Hawks messaged me this morning saying that he was going to come by to take me and Tokayami-kun out for something to eat. I just figured I needed to run it by you first, otherwise..."


"I'd get in trouble," you sighed.

"Well, you're not wrong about that." He finally sat up, slowly unzipping the top of the sleeping bag. A heavy yawn left his lips and he stretched his arms out, eyes still bleary from morning fatigue. "If you say that Hawks is going to be accompanying you, then there shouldn't be a problem. You'll be safe with the Number Two Hero. But a teacher needs to see him with their own eyes before you leave. Don't even think of trying to pull a fast one on me."

Goddess Wink | Various!BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now