43 ♡ flickering flame

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"[Name]-chan, are you okay?!"

Thanks to the efforts of your friends, you'd successfully managed to escape and were now in the middle of a massive crowd of people just outside the train station. It was close to the source of the shockwave from earlier, and the civilians were watching the fight transpire on a massive screen while the police made efforts to keep everyone from panicking.

"I'm alright," you smiled, trying to stay strong on account of Izuku, who was just shy of bursting into tears. Apparently him, Kirishima, and Iida weren't the only ones who'd come to your rescue. Though they were currently in a different location, Shouto and Yaoyorozu had helped make all of this possible as well.

"I'd call that a successful rescue," Kirishima grinned.

"It wasn't a rescue," Katsuki snapped. "Escaping with you idiots just happened to be the best chance [Name] and I had. We were getting in All Might's way. He wasn't able to fight properly with us there."

Iida wiped the sweat off his brow. "We were able to avoid battle, so no rules were broken. We did what we could. The rest is out of our hands."

It was out of your hands. That was the cold, hard truth, but it was frustrating to know that there was nothing any of you could do, and that All Might had to shoulder the burden all on his own. All For One didn't seem like an ordinary villain. He'd even remarked earlier that All Might had visibly weakened, and he was able to hold his own against him without any problems.

There was no way All Might would lose... right?

Izuku peered over at you. "Does your arm still hurt, [Name]-chan? I'm sure it must've been scary, especially when you're still injured..."

"It's fine. They didn't actually hurt me or anything. Something like this shouldn't be too hard to fix at the hospital."

"If you say so," he frowned, but you could see the worry lacing his expression. He wasn't good at hiding his emotions. You knew a part of that was because he'd been worried about you and Katsuki, but now there was something completely different eating away at him. For someone who was practically All Might's number one fan, and closer to him than any of you, this must have been incredibly difficult to watch.

"It'll be okay, guys!" Kirishima reassured. "All Might will finish this up and everyone will be saved! Just like always!"

You forced a smile. Usually, his sunny disposition was enough to lift the mood, but there was a dark cloud hovering over this place. Already, too many things had gone wrong. The loss of your Quirk, your capture, the heroes and police who had no doubt been injured during this entire operation, and... All Might, who was fighting the villains' boss with all he had.

Katsuki shifted closer to you, saying nothing as he stared up at the screen. Izuku was on your other side, similarly transfixed to the fight. It was haunting, really. Everything was happening so fast that you could hardly keep track of it, but a shiver ripped down your spine, and with it, the smoke on the battlefield cleared to reveal a thin, skeletal-like man with All Might's bodysuit draping down from him like a baggy cloth.

Your eyes widened, and you heard Izuku draw in a gasp from beside you.

"Who is that?" people murmured within the crowd.

"He's like a skeleton."

"No way... that can't be All Might, can it...?"

It was All Might. He was injured all over, his fist extended forward as he'd tried to deflect against All For One's last attack. It was All Might, but as if he'd begun withering away, the Symbol of Peace looking so frail you feared a gust of wind might knock him over.

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