12 ♡ two of a kind

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It wasn't much longer before the competition began. Right now, you'd been granted some free time to unwind and partake in rec activities if you felt so inclined, but it was hard not to feel nervous. You'd only ever spoken to Shinsou once before, in the cafeteria, and although it was hardly enough time to draw any conclusions, something felt off about him. He almost seemed... sad, or bitter.

You'd retreated towards the outer, forested area of the stadium. Some of your classmates seemed to be having fun and trying to take their mind off things before the big battle, but you kind of needed some time to yourself. You dragged your foot across an uneven patch of grass, lips pursed.

Before you'd left, Ojiro had cautioned you.

"[Name]-chan, whatever you do... don't respond to anything that guy says. I made the mistake of talking back to him, and before I knew it, I'd totally blanked out. In all likelihood, that's got to be how his Quirk works."

It was good that you at least had an idea of how his powers worked. Shinsou might've picked up on your Quirk to some extent by observing you through the first two stages, but you probably had the advantage here.

"Well, aren't you looking cute in your little cheerleading outfit!"

You spun around, but it was too late. Two arms came crashing around your body, squeezing you impossibly tight. You let out a weary groan and craned your neck.

"What are you doing here?"

Ares was looking down at you with a shit-eating grin. "I came to play! You've done such a great job so far, you know? To think that Aphrodite was even willing to lend you her powers, and you did so well channeling them! Obviously, you're bound to be pretty tired right now, but just the fact that you're still standing speaks volumes."

You tried to pull away, but his hug just got tighter. "Glad you've been having fun," you scowled. "Do the gods really have nothing better to do than watch mortals like me compete?"

"Nope, not particularly!"

"Charming." You let out a weary sigh. After everything that had happened today, you were in no mood to deal with his nonsense. You were almost tempted to ask about Aphrodite, to see whether she'd ever reach out to you again, or if your loss had irritated her to the point that she'd cut ties with you.

"You're doing well, [Name]." His expression shifted, and he was looking at you with fondness rather than manic obsession. He pulled away from you, bringing a hand down on your hand to gently tousle your hair. "Keep things up, and I'm sure your powers will only grow."

You flushed and puffed out your cheeks. "I'm fine. You don't need to keep coming down here to pester me."

"As your lover, I can't help but want to see you."

"Self-proclaimed lover," you corrected.

Ares chuckled, his chest rising and falling. "You're just adorable. Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to keep my hands off you?"

"You're doing a terrible job," you muttered. "Please try harder."


You stiffened up, immediately glancing towards the source of the voice. Shouto had emerged from behind a corner of the building and was looking at you with his brows furrowed.

"Who was that with you just now?" he asked. "He didn't look like a student."

"Ah, um-" Your eyes darted around, but Ares was nowhere to be seen. Typical. He'd showed up out of nowhere, and now he'd up and disappeared, leaving you to answer all the tricky questions. Asshole. "He's one of my family friends," you spluttered. "A bunch of people I know came to watch me compete in the Sports Festival."

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